Zoochosis will now launch on PC via Steam on 30 September 2024, instead of the previously planned date of 23 September.


Zoochosis is a bodycam horror simulation game. You’re a zookeeper. Identify infected mutant animals, make a vaccine and cure them. Will you save all of them and survive?


  1. Glad to see the game being delayed instead of just pushing it out before you’re ready, shows that you care about it and want it released in a good state ❤

  2. I dont think I've seen many or any games that take place in a Zoo. That's some insane sh*t. Think about it, we take our kids there to see all the super cool and adorable animals there. From baby Kangaroos to baby hippos. Now, imagine all those animals contorting into some nightmarish creatures. Love the concept. Its simple, yet horrifying.

  3. I’m excited but also sad for the animals that go through this infection process. The game’s vibe is meant to be horror but not super serious if the few clips I’ve watched with the player character’s voice lines is any indication. If there is an option to cure them, I hope it’s there!

  4. Bettwr having a good quality masterpiece instead of a broken rushed throwaway.
    Excited to get my mind and sanity engulfed b fear and distortion while as well getting fascinated and entertained! ❤

  5. In one trailer you're filming within a zoo without a critical comment. This could be the chance to use this game as a help to raise awareness of animals in zoos. They are living in constant prisons their whole live and are not able to follow their natural instincts. Many of them develop mental health issues. You missed a great chance to shine a light on this, animals should be free!

  6. I can’t wait for this game to come out!! It’s one of the few that I’m actually excited for

  7. I’m guessing those little nightmares are parasites of some kind and are causing the animals to mutate.

  8. In my opinion the best games always take the longest so the creators can flesh everything out and get rid of the bugs BEFORE release. It makes a good first impression on players and makes them want more. Good on you for taking your time 👍

  9. Maby one day ill be for xbox also to my freinds working on the game do add a aquatic like a dognose shark because i would love to see what you guys come up with also did you guys come up with a name for the parasite species and also is that thing the boss injects us with a permanent cure to the parasite also a good name a came up with is auroka stericilus

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