Xbox was RIGHT! Sony’s PS5 Pro disaster

Xbox Series X vs PS5 Pro vs Xbox Next! What can Microsoft do to answer Sony and the next gen consoles?

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  1. $600 for 1 extra terabyte has always been insane. I dont think anyone anywhere said that was ok. Its the same situation with Playstation 5 pro. The additions just dont equate to $200 more! Thats also insane! These companies think all of you are fools. Don't prove them right!

  2. Boy, if you were nothing but a journalist concerned with Microsoft and Xbox and end you know game pass and all the stuff that goes along with it you wouldn’t get through shit what was going on with Sony and PlayStation and the PS five and then PlayStation plus, but you can’t keep your mind on you know the job which is Xbox And no the PlayStation five is not the end of Xbox Xbox is ending themselves. Just fine by screwing the player base over with a shitty subscription service you can’t take shit away. They should’ve just left things alone. You can’t give people shit and then take it away. Well, they gave the console that the game pass console access to Day one releases and now they’re taking it away we’re just pissing off a lot of people right so because if you have an Xbox and you don’t play on PC Xbox or game pass for consoles the only thing you need or whatever it’s called now game pass standard or whatever not only that when is Microsoft gonna learn how to name shit PlayStation plus essentials PlayStation plus extra PlayStation plus premium are clearly defined names that are obvious right extra and premium no guessing what you know which one is the bigger package game that kind of made game pass console made sense game pass ultimate kind of made sense although the naming convention is less clean but game pass standard wouldn’t game pass standard be confused or game pass core Either way I doubt it’s gonna drive up the sales of game pass ultimate even when they were given the first month away for a buck they still couldn’t sell game pass

  3. Oh, please, like Microsoft is doing any better with the Xbox brand. In fact, they’ve been consistently doing much worse than Sony. Sure, Sony has been sucking recently, but at least they have published exclusives. Which is more than I can say for Xbox since 2013.

  4. Im a Playstation Fan Boy and this is the first time ever that i can say FUCK PLAYSTATION..we need Xbox now more then did that because they know theres no other console competing with them.

  5. It wasn’t Xbox’s fault for the Pros price, it was the PS Portal. It should have flopped with how bad it was, but for some reason the Sony fans ate it up.

  6. I still don’t see why people spend so much on consoles when you can just get a pc and Emulate every single game you want 😂 not to mention mods or handhelds like steam deck if companies wanna royally screw us with overpriced crap and half finished games then just pirate them lol

  7. lol, there is no PS5pro disaster, people who care about fidelity with ray tracing and fast fps will buy it.

    Those who cannot afford it are crying about it.

    Sony don’t need to subsidise Pro models as it’s for enthusiasts. 10M pro boxes x £100 is extra £1B for Sony.

  8. I litterally just got the last of all my PC parts 3 days ago currently building so you weren’t wrong about that and the only thing I’ll miss is Spider-Man. R.I.P. my childhood.

  9. Xbox will need a new system before gta6 to have no major performance issues, they rolled out the pro so it will be on a lower price margin prior to gta6 release. Maybe it's I work in the industry or have played games since the early 80s but it's all very obvious since the PC release of gta6 is 1 to 1 1/2 years after release…long term Xbox has to have an upgrade planned or its going to be hard for Xbox players…and calm down fanboys I have all systems and PC don't need your system preference bs.

  10. The $700 IMO would not necessarily be an issue if we were talking about a brand new true next gen console that was way more powerful but for a mid gen upgrade and considering the upgrade you get over base PS5 it is too much .

  11. I just want a buffet of great games to play. Development cycles are abysmal. GTA V literally was released 11 years ago and the trailer for it 12 years ago. We dont have variety anymore and everything is a micro transaction. At this point I just replay my old games.

  12. I really didn't think we needed a Pro model for this generation. In another few years we'll be at the next gen which will be a more substantial leap forward, and have games targeting those specs. I think if anything Xbox should release a portable gaming console, maybe with the power of the Series S. It would be convenient to be able to game on the go.

  13. At this point yes xbox is software focused. This is ultimately what Microsoft built themselves from a software company. They know the counsle is a loss leader (they loose money with each sale). They have enough gaming companies and IPs that Microsoft can hit the coast button and put there focus on games and the xbox software on pc. It's no longer haha i outsold you on consoles it's a slugging match on who can do better overall with game sales and Sony is tunnel visioned. You look at the balance sheet how many consoles they sell will be irrelevant it will be how much overall profit the division brought with everything combined.

  14. Always a PS man, but just bought the X. They show cased not even gameplay, but movies about the games, and €800 here in Europe. No thanks!

  15. Exactly!!!

    The next console I purchase will be the Xbox series X !!!

    Being as I just got a PS5 four or five months ago…

  16. Problem is the strike system needs to go away. We need to be allow to say fuck in game chat or party chat. To talk shit, tbag and more.

    Xbox should only suspended or banned if its some pedo shit

  17. We live in a world that it doesn't matter when PS5 pro comes out, scalpers will have them tied up for about a year before most people are able to even get one. And, regardless of hardware, the only thing PS really has is a few console exclusives, that are available on PC. And at 700, I'll build a PC for better versatility that will hold out longer and be cheaper in the long run.

  18. Be nice if at one point in time you just get to the POINT instead of dragging these LAME videos talking about trash.

  19. What if Phil says, are you guys ready for the next Xbox update since PS decided to drop the pro?

  20. SONY shills/soyboys are some of the dumbest and worst YTbers. Thinking that the financial nightmare is okay for purchasing.

  21. Sold my ps5 slim recently and got a ps3 instead so i can play the better ps games.

    Now i have a ps3, series X, steam deck, gaming laptop, and oculus and im glad i dont have that ps5 taking up space

  22. Thays why xbox always loosing it's not about the most powerful console it's about games which xbox doesn't have exclusives men exclusives trophis platinum talk abou ps5 pro thats why the hard drive sold out just because of ps5 pro xbox keep making mistakes and huge mistakes and sony rasing the price because there is no competition…stupid xbox can't make things right

  23. Don Mattrick had been Sony's employee of the month for 11 consecutive years now.

    Too bad Sony wanted some of that DEI credits Microsoft had been getting for several years now.

  24. Trading in my series X that's been collecting dust this entire year and my PS5 base for the Pro. Getting into Xbox this gen was only worth it to play through some old franchises that I missed in the past via gamepass. Aside from that every Xbox exclusive has been a big disappointment.

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