Xbox VR Headset is COMING | HUGE Change in Gaming | Xbox Cloud Gaming PURCHASES | Plume Gaming News

HUGE Change in Gaming | Xbox VR Headset is COMING |Xbox Cloud Gaming PURCHASES | Plume Gaming News

Embracer Breaks Up: 0:00
Xbox Showcase: 4:25
Xbox VR Headset is Coming: 6:19
Xbox Cloud Gaming and Purchased Games: 10:25
Star Wars Jedi Survivor Xbox Game Pass: 12:01
Watch Dogs Series is Finished: 13:08
Console Sales: 14:50

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  1. I always said Xbox needs to really pull something out of the hat to compete with meta and Sony in the future and one of the ways to do that is to produce a better vr headset than what the others can offer as I believe flat screen gaming will turn more into 3d/vr in the future with 2d gaming as a side thing as the headsets get more and more user friendly until the rise of holographic gaming technology . Wider fov wireless headsets need to be the norm and Xbox needs to introduce these features into its future headset if indeed it will ever happen rather than just concentrating on producing more visually stunning games.

    Vr is evolving sooo quickly now and it’s hard to keep up – feels like I have to be on YouTube daily to keep up with everything that’s happening

  2. its a bit late,and an obviouse how to save xbox thing. i have both consoles and to be honnest both are letti g me down with aaa games right now.

  3. Really…well Playstation sucks fucking ass so if this's true will trade my stuff for this Xbox is a helluva lot better they have all the Black Ops Zombies Playstation doesn't and Playstation all they ever do is fuck up VR and have retarded ass games…

  4. To be honest, if Xbox was to make a VR headset they should keep headset wirelessly but able to connect to the Xbox to play high-powered games with the best performance and graphics

  5. Honestly, I think the main reason the console industry is stagnant is because THERE IS NO REAL ADVERTISING GOING ON FOR THE CONSOLES, PARTICULARLY WITH THE XBOX, for some reason Microsoft Xbox has a lack of "Will Power" to advertise the Xbox Brand and the games of 1st Party from Xbox, Over the years when certain games are ready for release I hardly see any advertising from Xbox to showcase those games, (When I say Advertising I Mean Advertising On TELEVISIONS AND CELL PHONES), I THINK AN UNTAPPED MARKET IS TO GET PEOPLE ON CELL PHONES TO BECOME MORE INTERESTED TO PLAY ON CONSOLES ON A BIG SCREEN TELEVISION (60 inches or bigger), Instead of playing games on a 7 inch screen!!!!!!! I FOR ONE WILL NEVER MAKE MY CELL PHONE THE PRIMARY DEVICE TO PLAY GAMES ON!!!!!!

  6. i cant help but think itll be both or atleast hope, like a retro arcade room in vr. Theres so much more on pc, entire genres of relaxing destruction games to firefighting and awesome puzzle games. Assassins creed in vr was great. Theres an app that teaches you the constellations through vr and many other things (just sayin) vr can be incorporated into more things than just games. there is a market for vr especially with the immersion vests. more and more people are going to places like 'zero latency' even the walking dead was great in vr, perhaps we'll see a half integration with titles that can use some aspects of vr. some 2d games wont need it (but they could utilise a map in 3d space for example) and they are very small games which leaves us with options. Whatever direction Microsoft chooses to go (handheld or vr or both) – im not gonna act like i know better then their research department, theyve made some futureproof decisions lately that noneof us saw coming and yet it was better for the entre gaming community and for our budgets.

    maybe we should be less critical and cynical – Microsoft just proved in court that they have a pretty good finger on the gaming pulse. Thanks to Microsoft, Nintendo has gotten a boost. "when we all play together, everybody wins"

  7. People are poor, man. Inflation and the economy is stopping people buying luxuries like consoles. There’s lots of room to grow. People just can’t afford it.

  8. I prefer an Xbox portable over a VR headset any day. However, decent streaming of purchased digital titles would be a plus.

  9. The price of VR is the biggest problem. With that said, one way to get the Xbox VR headset BELOW $200 is to take old stock of the unsold Microsoft Mixed Reality VR headsets they had created for PC a few years ago. I have one of these (the Lenovo version of the Microsoft Mixed Reality VR headset) and they are pretty awesome and still hold up. Quality wise, they are much better than PS VR 1 and Quest 1, about equal to the Quest 2, but not as good as the Quest 3 and PS VR 2, but it doesn't need to be. It's very good as it is and if they rebrand those old headsets, they can get the price BELOW $200 and that's a great price for those headsets (they are still very good. Playing Half Life Alyx with the Lenovo version on my PC is awesome and it looks really nice. Also, the Lenovo version I have is VERY comfortable, A LOT more comfortable to wear than PS VR 1). With the power of the Xbox Series X/S, the Xbox VR headset could be a hit if they go that route so the price stays under $200. If they do the same thing as PS VR 2 and Quest 3 and they price it at $500 – $600 it will fail HARD. They need to be under $200 but still maintain a nice and good enough quality (rebranding the Microsoft Mixed Reality VR headsets as Xbox VR and making them compatible with Xbox Series X/S would be the right way to pull this off)

  10. We still aren't at the point where VR is worth it until you can slap a headset on and do sword art online stuff it's just a toy.

  11. For the people still playing on last gen i see a lot of them upgrading when gta6 comes out as they wont have a choice.Once enough big next gen titles release you will see the consoles get a nice bump

  12. Middel Earth and Friends looks to contain most of what I thought Microsoft/Xbox would want from the Embracer group if they were going to buy out parts of Embracer in these times of their struggles. I wonder it MS provided any suggestions in how the Embracer group broke up the divisions. 😀 We know MS is looking into expanding gaming investments while right now a;; I see Sony is looking more into buying movie studios (Paramount) and making music investments (i.e. their current biggest net-income provided for Sony proper) and cutting gaming budgets and projects over investing in new game studios.

    Meta is flexing to build up VR as they take on Apple. And now Apple is realizing how hard this VR/AR area is as interest in their product is far less than expected.

  13. As a big fan of Playstation VR this might actually get me to finally buy an Xbox, if there's a good list of games for it. I still havnt Upgraded my headset yet because there's not quite enough games but they are slowly coming. Looking forward to Resident Evil & Metro in VR

  14. Eh, VR seems horribly unnecessary. It still hasn't really taken off. Unless they plan to do a lot more than PS has with PSVR, what's the point?

  15. Spawnwave did a poll of Xbox bringing VR to Xbox and majority said including my self " not interested" I choose this because ya eyes are getting shot by lazers and some gamers would go blind I'll never be a fan of VR ever

  16. I see coffee stain as a MS pick up as there games are smaller sized and has notable mobile games

  17. Notice that for PS to have competition you have to compare it with itself. The market is fine. Just bc Xbox can’t get a slice doesn’t mean something is off with the gaming market/industry.

  18. Xbox gamer here. I don't care for vr. I like having all of my eyesight while gaming. I'm happy for those who've always wanted vr on Xbox.

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