Xbox Boss Called Out as Indiana Jones PS5 Officially Announced; Xbox Strategy Infuriates Fanbase

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  1. If you have an xbox series x already, why would you buy the next generation xbox?
    It makes more sense to buy a next gen PS, You already have a machine that will play your current Xbox library and if next gen is anything like this current gen, next gen games will continue to be released on last gen machines for at least another 2 years and by that time those games will more than likely be released on the P.

  2. Playstation gamers Chess Logic
    "Stay on your side of the board, Xbox. Chess pieces aren't supposed to advance into the opponents territory! That's not how you play Chess, Xbots!"
    Playstation gamers Art of War IQ
    "I don't care if Sea of Thieves outsold Steller Blade on Playstation!" "Phil said you lost the console war. "Losers aren't supposed to dominate other platforms, Xbots!"
    Playstation gamers fishing IQ
    "You're not supposed to hook your bait and cast it into other ecosystems, Xbox! You're supposed to keep your bait in its own area!"
    "That's how you catch fish, Xbots!"
    Playstation gamers Historical IQ
    "Xbox lost like the Greeks did at Troy, Xbots! That's why they're giving us all these giant pony statue games to take back to Playstation!"
    "Because the console wars are over and we won, Xbots!"
    Playstation gamers comprehensive skills
    "It doesn't matter that Playstation doesn't have any road map or aren't making any quality games!"Our top rated games are coming from Xbox, so that's good enough for us Playstation shills, Xbots!"
    Remember, Xbox needs Playstation to survive and don't forget it. Xbots!

  3. I can’t count the amount of times Phil Spencer lied, remember the ‘ Mike drop moment’ that just didn’t happen or this Xbox show is going to be the best ever and it’s just meh !
    Well he didn’t actually say that Indy wouldn’t be coming to PS5 but he implied it. This is damage limitation at this stage, Xbox is dead in the water, Gamepass is a monumental failure and MS are going third party. Why ? because that’s where the money is !
    I think MS knew the strategy way back when they purchased Bethesda, this change in strategy didnt just happen over night or whilst having breakfast, this would have been decided ages ago when it became clear that Gamepass was not growing and that every AAA game would struggle to break even based on the fact all games were invested in using Gamepass subscription revenue.
    It’s over for Xbox as hardware and I think Gamepass will lose the day and date. Maybe they will keep a high tier for day and date but it will be expensive or maybe they will change it to 6 months after release, who knows but one thing is sure, it’s all going to change for Xbox.

  4. Kid Phil did lie kid, you think they didn't have plans to release the game on PS5?
    They new years ago, you can't make a port for a game in 6 months.

  5. Xbots are mad at PlayStation but they should be mad at Microsoft for putting gamepass on firestick and smart tv brands lmao! Theres a third best place to play xbox games and its not even xbox!

  6. Completely agree foxy M$ will put all there exclusives on PlayStation and other platforms. Also when people interview Phil they need to ask him yes or no questions. ie is Starfield coming to PlayStation yes or no? That way it’s clear, he can answer directly or spin it. Either way you’ll get an answer. In the end Xbox as we know it is done.

  7. Come on. Technically, he didn't lie. But he DID purposefully mislead everyone.

    The game is coming a few months after the Xbox release. The game had to be in development for PS5 at the time he made those comments and he has to have known that.

    Of course the game wasn't one of the 4 releasing immediately on PS5, because it wasn't being released anywhere immediately at the time.

    But it is releasing on PS5 shortly after it does release and Phil knew that at the time, but strongly suggested that it was nor the current plan.

  8. They want to sell copies, plain and simple. They'll market games MORE to PlayStation gamers, not to mention PlayStation will have better versions

  9. I don't know why anyone is surprised, every boss at every level in Microsoft has said multiple times they will be putting their games on PlayStation.
    Expect more people, expect them all

  10. Xbox could have waited til Xmas for the announcement, would have been an excellent Xmas gift

  11. When that announcement was made, I could wait for today, sooo many broken chips(hearts), just enjoy gaming no matter where it comes from

  12. Okay Xbox fans you were right.
    I guess Xbox is the best….🤷🏿‍♂️

    Finally you're right for once. 😐🤥

  13. Don't care if the game is coming to PS5 because PlayStation gamers shouldn't have to flip the bill for day one Game Pass games. I'll wait until it come to PS+ Essential, Extra or Premium.

  14. 🤣

    I love how Xbox gamers are now finally realizing that Xbox is pointless. Xbox is all about lies and creating hype without actually delivering.

    It's pretty obvious the path that Xbox is going is away from hardware. It's where the money is.

  15. It wasn't feel Spencer.Also the one that said a game pass wouldn't Get a price hike.? The lie detector said that's a lie.

  16. What a game's show filled with game's advertisements?? That's kinda the point.

  17. Main ps5, but tomb raider was a better adventure than uncharted imo

    They ruined the multiplayer in uncharted too, it was a shower factions inspired game instead

  18. Character lighting/shading looks horrendous. That alone scares me away based on the quality of this game. It will be a true Xbox game, I believe. Another let down. I have intention of that game. Sad, I love the original trilogy of movies.

  19. Not super excited only because if Bethesda were still independent there’s a chance this would be getting PSVR2 support and THAT would get me excited.

    The Xbot zealots never surprise me. I knew the previously multi-platform would be the first to go back to multi-platform.

  20. Gaming us a business for Microsoft u can't operate at a lost it's better to go multiplatform and keep ur brand alive and make profits instead of being exclusive and operating at a lost no business investor wants to operate at a lost and u people as xbox fans are not enough to keep the xbox brand alive because u all dint buy games u wait to get them on gamepasss as a subscription if xbox had more player base abd more of u people paying $70 for games then maybe they wouldn't need to go multiplatform so stop complaining and start buying $70 games

  21. I have been saying for years now Xbox isn’t in the console market. Their main goal from the start with the original Xbox was to take over and kill consoles. Why? Because they’re not competing with Sony or Nintendo. Their goal and still their goal is to compete with Apple and their market place of apps and games. They thought they have an easy victory when they come to the console market but they failed miserably. Thanks to Sony and Nintendo fighting for their lives and putting out better games. And Sony for buying studios and not allowing Microsoft to just buy everything up.

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