‘Wukong’ Makes Game History in First-Day Rush

“Black Myth: Wukong” is a Chinese-made game backed by Tencent which has become the second-most popular title ever on Steam within hours of its launch, a strong first-day performance which could shore up expectations for China’s $40 billion gaming arena after years of regulatory scrutiny. Niko Partners CEO and President Lisa Cosmas Hanson joins Caroline Hyde and Ed Ludlow to discuss on “Bloomberg Technology.”
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  1. i don't usually watch videos on bloomberg technology…but everytime I watch some clips, I just feels like the hosts keeps asking stupid/unrelevant questions. There are certain questions when you ask, you immediately know you won't get anything informative. Usually those questions are asked as fillers to keep the conversation flow going… but amazingly these hosts keeps asking these filler questions one after another.


  3. It’s ridiculous that you do not even mention how many ppl in the West love this game. I can’t wait to buy and play it. And eff DEI

  4. When Bloomberg TV finds nothing bad to say about a Chinese news, you KNOW it HAS to be SPECIAL!!

  5. Their overall attitude is… How did these lowly Chinese achieve this? WTF?? Instead of… "Wow, let's admire it for what it is. Congrats to the Chinese game developers…. "

  6. once again china beat the west on the game.. its simple.. the talent, creativity and money to develop the game make it success..

  7. CNN/VOA/BBC/ABC/1450 slander China now:

    1. they are funded by China. Fake video.

    2. All Chinese products will threat USA's security except shoes and clothes.

    3. China is overcapacity, such as EV, mobilephone, Huawei.

    4. China steals USA's future technologies, especially 5G and AI.

    5. China is dangers, not safey. USA is much safe. No freedom in China. China spys other countries always.

    6. China can build anything, but USA can bomb anything.

    7. China has despotic government, no smile on Chinese. USA government is the best of the world.

    8. China implemented genocide on Xinjiang where has a prison camp of 1 million local people.

    9. Moon belongs to USA only, not China. USA forbiddes China to the Moon.

    10. Never go to China, otherwise you will die. Come to USA. USA is NO. 1 forever. Turst American dream.

    11. USA will let its dogs to beat China first, such as Japan, South Korea, England, Australia, Canada, Phillipines, etc.

    12. USA will invade any countries if they don't follow rules of USA.


    Actually, those differences led China and the US to grow ever further apart

    Reason 1: There's no slaughter, loot and genocide against ethnic minorities in China, the 'I Can't Breathe' incident never happened in China.

    Reason 2: China does not allow 1% of the population to own more than 90% of the population's total wealth.

    Reason 3: China does not allow its people to die in mass shootings, let alone let school children get massacred by guns.

    Reason 4: China does not allow the drug problem to plague the country and kill more than 100,000 people every year.

    Reason 5: China has never invaded other countries or engaged in colonial expansion.

    Reason 6: China never interferes in the internal affairs of other countries, and never seeks and fosters agents abroad.

    Reason 7: China has never based its foreign policies on 'We lied, we cheated, we stole. It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment.(Pompeo)'

    Reason 8: China has never sought to dominate the world, nor deprived any country (region) of its right of development. On the contrary, China shares development and prosperity with all trading partners.

    Reason 9: China will never do anything to weaken or eliminate an opponent in order to win. Instead, China is focused on bettering itself.

    Reason 10: China never fires missiles at wandering balloons, but heavily invests in better infrastructures so Chinese people can enjoy better life, safety and health.

    Reason 11: China advocates and pursues in 'Unite and Prosper', the US practices and believes in 'Divide and Rule'.

    Reason 12: China prefers 'Seek common interest and reserve difference', the US prefers 'Either at the table or on the menu.'

    Conclusion: China's system truly reflects 'of the people, by the people, for the people', the US system betrayed Abraham Lincoln's idea, it truly manifested 'of the 1% people, by the 1% people, for the 1% people'.

  8. What they don't talk about is how quickly it spread outside China. It's breaking records everywhere, the West included.

  9. Did you now that the comic Naruto was also inspired by Chinese legend of the Nine-tailed Fox aka 九尾狐 ?

  10. Wukong , American sanctions is headed your way, wukong is a national threat to all Americans , why? Coz Call of Duty is getting their Asss kicked and therefore wukong is outselling them , americans calling this overcapacity

  11. No fucking endless DLCs,
    Bullshit addons and subscriptions

    And most importantly, ZERO woke crap in the story


  12. Fuck the woke, Far Left DEI agenda and their paid shills (basically every mainstream media "journalist"). I'm buying a second copy just because. This game so far has been SO FUN to play!

  13. 美國人不知道什麼是 (因果報應)。



  14. 美國真是讓人感到噁心。



  15. The fact that employees got a day off to play the game tells you something about the gaming industry in China. Even bosses got into playing of games.

  16. WuKong is a clear NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT to the United States of America.
    He can be controlled by the CCP at any point. So, we should demand all US and Allies gamers from "like minded" countries to…. disconnect the relevant components from affected machines as soon as possible😂

  17. Go Woke, Go Broke.
    Gamers are utterly fed up, w/ no patience for anti-male and seeing their franchises being hijacked by ideological freaks.
    Western franchises best catch up, machine gun their DEI departments, or suffer from capitalism: competitors delivering what consumers WANT instead of what aholes think they can force onto consumers.

    Am I wrong? The utter disasters such as Concord, Suycide Squad, below expectations Starfield sales, and the upcoming lowered sales of Assassin Creed all points to me having a point.
    By contrast, the smaller "indies" are eating the AAA's lunch: Palworld, Hell Divers 2, and Black Wukong are eating the dead corpse of woke enterprise.

    Gamers are organizing into systems: the slightest wokism, such as pronouns or over-representation of women and Black people in nonsensical scenarios, triggers community built systems that alert millions of other gamers. Keep your DEI politics out of our franchises, or DIE at the hands of capitalism.

    (And yes, Black Wukong is favored by the Chinese market. But it's also benefiting from a paralyzed, self-harming western competition that redirects its customer base to foreign producers.)

  18. after all the live srevice TRASH, and Woke/DEI Cancer filled western TRASH, we got another well worth game from Asia… you see, how simple it is to make a hit game? have a good story great characters and designs, at least an okay gameplay, cater to the majority of the gamers, not the minority cos inclusion BULLSHIT, and well, it will sell like HOT CAKE!

  19. its not just Chinese gamers/consumers, its world wide.. most western gamers who do like to play story based games, got or getting this game..

  20. Isn't it a good thing if something is successful no matter where it comes from right? But if it comes out of China, it's not supposed to be successful & good??? come on…..

  21. Wow Lisa was the perfect guest for this. She definitely knows her stuff.

  22. Chinese company is worried about the sanctions from America. Don't let Biden know the game.

  23. I dont think people realize how rich Chinas history is, and how vast their lands are. If someone would just be willing to make more ancient Chinese games with ancient chinese culture, ghost of tsushima would not scratch the amount of times the kingdoms have clashed and the mandate of heaven was passed on from one kingdom to another. Or how many times the Chinese defended clashes with the mongols in the north with the great wall being built. The Katana is not a better sword than the best of Chinese swords. They should make more Chinese games with Chinese culture and history.

  24. Western media be like: "Black Myth: Wukong has sold 10 million copies across all platforms. But at what cost?"

  25. "We are going to make American Game Greater Again! I promise you I will bring game industry and manufactory back to US."
    " The Democrats are destroying our Game, they let illegal game copies cross the boarders and took our kids."
    " I will put a wall to stop illegal game copies and Mexico is going to pay for it."
    " Its so true, so true. "
    " We are going to make so so much money when I put tariffs on China made games."
    " Monkey is rap*ing this country."
    " China! Monkey! Money!"

  26. Well shit china have billions of people and it' a game developed by their own kin. They finna support that till the end😂

  27. The US politicians strongly believe in Tonya Harding philosophy. "If you cannot compete fairly, break opponent's leg!" You bet the US politicians will claim Wukong has national security threat.

  28. "Genshin Impact" and it's creators, "miHoYo", look and sound Japanese until you dig a thorough research and realize that they are all China/Chinese.

  29. I love it how the rest of the world is literally making new records and the 1nbreds from US are worried about imaginary woke bigfoot. KEEP sleeping sheeps and let your dear supreme leaders take everything from you…

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