1. I have literally never seen anyone say anything positive about this game, so idk wtf that dope at the end of this clip is babbling about.

  2. Is this girl 15. The problem is people don't like that they don't like a game with a female at the centre.

    The game could be the most terrible bland broken garbage but if its a girl who is the hero you better not say it.

    People are pissed off that this game inherits the arkham mantle. Four games lovingly built created before corporate types demanded the live service model.

    We deny your shill garbage and you demands that we like what you tell us

    The public aren't being lied to like mr activist commentator says. The public are playing and they are not enjoying.

  3. Are all games journalists going to be white women now? No wonder so many men in the industry are turning trans.

  4. BBC Didn't even give a deep dive to how this failure all leads back to warners bros and creative team we know and love at rocksterdy left

  5. Grow up and have some patience.. And if you think a preorder skin is worth the risk of spending 80 on a crap game, then you can't be helped

  6. The story is poor, the writing is so bad it's literally a meme, the UI is so clogged it's impossible to see anything happening, it's gameplay is poor with very little to differentiate the characters, the performance is lackluster.

    And why are good reviews from people who are still playing the game an indicator that the low score reviews are wrong? Every bad game still has a hard-core base of players who will play no matter what and give it a good review. Under that logic there are no bas games.

  7. Well, of COURSE the people still playing it are going to leave positive reviews. Otherwise they'd stop playing it.

    But that doesn't mean the game is good. It might well be, but trusting user reviews for videogames is a bit like trusting amazon reviews that say "dodgy No-brand toaster arrived today. Haven't made toast in it or even plugged it in yet but it looks nice. 5 stars."

    Get a grip. 😂

  8. It is a poorly designed soulless game that WB KNEW was poor which is why they didn't provide outlets with review codes, they wanted people to buy the game and have people find out it was poor only after it was too late for a refund rather than just have everyone warn the consumer of its quality and save folks some money.

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