Whats up with the triangles on Nintendo Switch game cases?

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  1. Someone really has an eye for details, never noticed thqt a 16 year long Nintendo fan 😂❤

  2. Never noticed them because they're much smaller than on the wii and wii u 😮

  3. I didn't notice them at all. You just added them into my collection. They weren't there before.

  4. I leave in France, and the triangle color is EXACTLY the same as the rest of the game case
    It was impossible to notice it by accident

  5. What? I’ve never noticed this. You’ve gotta be joshing me! I’m looking at my Switch cases first thing when I get home.

  6. The title is also centered. It breaks consistency when put alongside my usual American games and drives me nuts

  7. Well it's obviously the Nintendo Triforce and if you collect every Nintendo switch game you got one Nintendo wish

  8. that explains the triangle i got in my sm3dw + bf copy unlike the other games i got that are USA/ Canadian

  9. Sold-out software also did this for their budget re-releases, where a colour band would indicate the genre of game.

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