Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2 – DEV Drops HUGE DLC News…

We are getting even more? YES!
Here’s the latest in Space Marine 2 News!
Saber Interactive Chief Creative Officer Tim Willits has opened up on the success of Space Marine 2 and how that will now expand their plans for the IP. This includes new Story DLC along with expansions to the game. It has also secured the possibility of us seeing Space Marine 3.
Also, there are still issues persisting with Operations, as highlighted by the Reddit posts from concerned community members.
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  1. With the Goat men with both Melee Classes, Both the Warhammer as well as the Power sword/Glove you can Use charged heavy attacks and they will block it not only once but 2-3 consecutive heavy charged strikes

  2. Give me 4 man co op with the new difficulty! that's probably why people are getting kicked as well to let their other friends join the lobby.

  3. Yeah lets just hope they don't screw everything up and bring in the netflix inspired female versions, that would kill this game fast.

  4. I finished campaign, maxed my fav PvP class and still no season 1? I'm already bored without other content, like there's only 2 maps on PvP, the game is really something incredible but it's just a shame im already losing interest

  5. They should stay with SM2 until there's a reason to make SM3. Maybe with a different chapter taking the spotlight? Plenty to choose, just depends on them though

  6. For the Question, stick to SM2 or start with SM3?

    I have to say as much Fun SM2 makes, and how fresh it is like 2 or 3 weeks Old? Stick to SM2! at least for lets say 2 Years! because SM2 has a lot of Potential.

    Classes? Well Apothecarius and Chaplain would be def something, esp an Medic like the Apothecarius, or maybe even some Sort of an Terminator? I mean we already have the Traitor Terminator Modell, so why not bringing in an Big Boy? For balancing? Well give him 5 Armor Pieces, a bit more Health than a Bullwark has etc, I mean most of you know what a Terminator is so yeah 😂, sure there will be the Question of would he not be OP? If they would make him like the Traitor Terminators we have now, then he dev would not be OP only Tanky as Hell, the Only Problem I would see is the PVP part so I dont think we will ever see like an Terminator.

    Higher diffs, I get the Frustration from a Lots of People, esp from the Working Class who dont really have the Time to Play like 24/7, sure Skill and all that Stuff is also a Factor but we People have to remind ourselfs, Its still only a Game!! Its not an Competition when its about PVE! A Game should be here to relax you and having a good Time with your Friends or even Randoms, no matter if they use a Mic, or if they maybe Play bad.. not everyone is a Professional.

    I'm def not a Pro as well, and have not a Single Class maxed because I work 6 to 7 Days a Week 10 Hours, so when I Play I simply want to enjoy the Time in the Game, I dont need Toxic crap 😅 but its fine some People are simply Toxic and thats it, maybe they need to Compensate something don't know.

    As for the Comment someone else posted here, trade in like 20 Green Marks for like 1 Purple Mark, sounds like a good Idea for me as well, I mean it would alow like even Busy People like me and many others to reach higher Tiers over Time, to simply Catch up with the People who have simply more Time, because they dont Work, or are still going to School etc. I dont mean any Harm to anybody in here! I just say what I think here.

    Since we can already trade in Higher Tier Marks for lower ones, why not the other way around as well?

    Stay awesome you all! And don't let Toxic People Stop you from beeing you.🤝🏻🫡

  7. Give us the ability to play multiple of the same class I need to make a shield wall of my brothers

  8. Having been a fan of 40k since I was 9 years old, I am incredibly happy to see it getting this kind of exposure. It's about damn time.

  9. they need to beef up the sm2 roadmap but also start planning out sm3, always good to plan and create a solid story and potential setting in good time 🙂

  10. I haven’t been kicked before. I just thought people don’t kick cause it just takes too long to load into a full lobby, if you get a full lobby

  11. I like the game , but after hitting 25 with one class I just had enough of the extremely repetitive gameloop

  12. the game is dope i wouldn't mind paying forty bucks for a five hour dlc expansion story plus i would love to see an operation playing with terminator armor for the whole squad

  13. This game is a W but they need to expand on the story and operations. The pvp is really stale with only 3 game modes and a few maps. Not to mention that the weaponry is very very limited and some weapons are complete garbage to others. 10 hour campaign for a whooping $70 is insanity. I think most of us bought this for the campaign/PVE atleats I did. I really want more from this game so I really hope they go crazy on the DLC…

  14. I'd personally like to see a lot more development time invested into SM2.

    Regarding the Tzangors, I think there's a balance issue with them in general. They seem to be rather tanky considering they're "minoris" with shields absorbing a psychotic amount of damage.

    I don't think they should pop like blood bags like the cultists but I think their toughness probably needs to be scaled back to being about 25% tougher than the gaunts with the shields undergoing a major review. I don't object to a shielded minoris enemy but they seem capable of blocking similar levels of damage to the Tyranid warriors when they block, be it from firearms or melee.

  15. We need to can the SM3 talk. Focus on this game first, expand it and think about SM3 in 1.5 – 2 years.

  16. We definitely don’t need to be talking about Space Marine III already, hold your horses and continue developing this wonderful game and fill it with more content.

  17. I like Sabre in general, but they said very similar things about WWZ after Its launch success and only after a very long stagnant period did they incrementally update it.

  18. Bulwark main here, shielded tzaangors are seriously BS taking kicks and shoulder tackles from primaris marines and being unfazed

  19. I know I’m a huge nerd but I just want a protect civilians mission from the salamanders chapter with some of the crazy enemies in 40k

  20. Expand SM2 for a few years, with new pve and pvp modes and maps. Ranks, prestige, weapons, factions … there s a lot they can do. After a couple of years yeah we can talk about SM3.

  21. getting kicked at end of ops might be a usa thing. been playing on eu servers since pre-launch and have never been kicked from any match, nor have any of my playing friends. i might be a lucky guy with lucky friends, but i would like to know if there are any eu players experiencing getting kicked from ops games?

  22. Assault needs love. First and foremost, we don't get a primary. And that is because of the Power Fist. I have a solution. More on that later. Second, we don't have enough height NOR do we get our hover function. Both of these make the class feel awful.

    Now. Solutions. First up, primaries. Easy fix to this. Chainsword should allow for a Primary. Bolt rifle, auto bolter and carbine. Those would be fair options. For this to work, they need to INCREASE the amount of damage the Power Fist and Thunder Hammer do. TH should be incredibly powerful, it does not feel so. Same for the fist. It's so much stronger than it feels in this game. If PF and TH are equipped, primary slot is locked. If CS is equipped, unlock primary slot for the aforementioned weapons. Done! I fixed that.

    As for hover and height, if they're going to deny us those adavtanges, we need a 3rd charge. That's the only way I accept the current state of the Ops jetpack functions. Otherwise, they need to double the height and add hover.

  23. PVP needs a better match making system. Its impossible to unlock armory parts when you only get matched to loosing teams. Co-op is great, but some of us are more Pvp driven. Maybe expirence baised unlocks and not win counts would be better suited.

  24. Before a new class or dlc and definitely before thinking about SM 3, saber should fix matchmaking with my friend's. Fing killing my fun

  25. I really hope they hire some top tier writers and get really deep and creative with the grimdark story, its just begging for it and more teams need to learn from the witcher on how much gamers actually do appreciate well written dialogue and stories

  26. Shield boys are pretty annoying as an assault purely because your light attacks don't break their guard. Any weapon an SM uses in melee realistically should but the most painfully obvious of all is the thunder hammer. Honestly that weapon should break the guard of majoris enemies as well.

    But ya know, improvise, adapt, overcome.

    Power attack > Gun Strike deletes them and if you build for gun strikes you can build armor off non finisher strikes too if you manage to get one off on a majoris.
    Power attack followed up by light attacks also delete these guys fairly quickly.
    Sprint/Dodge follow up attack also knocks over a bunch of the shield boys which leaves them open to melee attacks and opens one up for gun strikes.
    And if you can get them in a blob, ground pounding them with the assault pack tends to delete blobs of them even on ruthless.

  27. Well…. when it comes to "polish" – not just the game it self needs to be great, like this one surely is, but also it's functionality on ALL the platforms where it is sold. All the missing settings, imput bugs, connection issues, monitor supports, etc. show that it still is a VERY poor console port. When you sell a product on multible platforms it has to perform equally well on all of them. I wish all the pointless "hyping" would finally fade down and people would mention it's issues more so they might get fixed at some point. We still did not get the promised patch with ultrawide support, FOV slider, Friends only lobby, etc. btw. …

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