Warhammer 40,000: Darktide – Itemization Overview | Trailer

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  1. My question are the stats and information shown on the actual in game interface going to be imprived? Destriptions of perks and blessings made more clear? That way we dont need to use as many third party stuff to see things like character base stats and whatnot. The ingame interface treats these stats and information like either its not important to know, or you already know. But most of the best players are using a bunch of third party software to get basic stats from the game and be able to make better builds this way because of the better information of the games mechanics thats just not available in game. Also dodge stamina bar, PLEASE

  2. Only took… 2 years? To make the crafting what it should have been from the beginning. I would congratulate on the good job but damn after all the shit that we've been getting you're lucky I even attempt to play DT when this update comes out.

  3. Seriously who the f*** cares about this? This is like, skeleton crew work, this isn't real content. It's some programming done to give you some uis and recycled existing content. Where's the new maps, the new classes, things that require art departments and like actual development. It was a fine enough game but it had so much more potential and it's clearly just been abandoned and relegated to like three guys doing this in their spare time when they're not working on patches for bug fixing.

  4. could you guys add into the mastery ranks, another mastery rank bar for cosmetics on that weapon? thatd be pretty cool, so u know how experienced someone is with a certain wepon when u load in, and for our own likes and dislikes abt color and textures

  5. You mean I wont have to spend millions of dockets anymore? Finally lmao

  6. Way too late. Uninstalled. I managed to have some fun but honestly, this game was an embarrassment. Their "support" is ongoing but honestly, terrible. Tiny, incremental improvements coming at an incredibly slow pace that somehow still result in an unfinished game. I will be very wary of Fatshark games in the future, even as a VT1 and 2 owner. This was beyond the pale. Truly unacceptable.

  7. @Fatshark I have a question are you going to add a tempestus scion armor or inquisitorial stormtrooper armor in the game please? Because their awesome armor also amazing trailer.

  8. Can we get some new fucking guns for ogryn??? Like actual new guns for classes and not reskins

  9. Looks great, can we overhaul the character skins too, zealot is lacking creativity and the whole 3 week rotation thing is a joke.

  10. Should've done this ages ago. You had a good formula for Vermintide 2 and made it worse only to leave it for years

  11. Fatshark is so lucky. Imagine running a business in which you sell something incomplete but promise eventually it will be ready in its full state in two years. I refunded the game when I realized the beta and full-release were the same. Crazy how fans support this cash grab.

  12. Yes!Yes!Yes! By the Emperor thank ye for thou update, Sah! I will make Boom go more BOOM!

  13. Ive been locked in since the beta.
    Rocky start, and i have had my gripes, but each step forward brings a smile to my face.
    Vet Sharpshooter 4 life!

  14. At least this time around they're trying to fix it 🙂 Who could think it would be important for a live service game.

  15. It feels strange to hear the voice i hear in game all the time(not my vet, mines a girl), telling me information about the game, feels very 4th wall breaking.

  16. I always love to see darktide getting updates, this game is massively fun! only wish there where moore free cosmetics

  17. can everyone who played before this update get a giant padlock cosmetic for their back so we can make the ultimate loser character by combining it with the beta helmet

  18. thanks guys, now, if you could let us personalize the weapons with atachments like lamps, bayonets, sights and that kind of stuff, it would be great, make the guns truly ours, u get me? also, a few more unlockable skins woulddd be awesome as well, i mean red and blue is getting really boring and net even all the guns have them, lastly, let us buy the skins we want any time we want, let that fomo shit behind.

  19. Too late, idiots. We've been asking for it for years, making arguments, even begging, but you spit on us over and over again.

    Now it's too late, fuck you.

  20. Way too late .. plus the fact that you release close to no new content just made me uninstall it… calling this a live service game is honestly a massive joke

  21. So the update is….removing the locks (That Fatshark put in place to begin with) and "seeing potential upgrades" (which was never an issue).

    Cool….maybe fix crafting?

  22. Coming: September 26, 2024

    Me reading this on the 28th of August, "BUT I WANT IT NOWWWW >:C"

  23. SO many anal players just wet their bussys for this … "oh, MY (Knife/Re-Volver) will have numbers in place's)"

  24. This game needs raids, with rare loot drops, and more story. The mechanics are amazing, great graphics, more content needed though. I already have my weapons cranked so this is kind of irrelevant. Looking forward to Space marine 2, the story and gameplay look solid!

  25. Make more maps or put the game back into early access. It’s disgraceful and false advertising to charge full price for a half baked game

  26. I feel like you pretty much wasted time of your player base this past year. Why did you even take on this licence if you guys only ever wanted to work Vermintide? Just disappointing, man…

  27. just bought the Darktide board game – mainly for the figures but also so I can take this to the tabletop too

  28. Just give me an offline mode with reasonably competent bots, and I'll be a very happy reject.

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