War Game | Official Trailer

In Theaters Starting 8/2 – A Submarine Deluxe Release.

A real-life political thriller set on January 6, 2025, War Game imagines a nation-wide insurrection in which members of the US military defect to support the losing Presidential candidate, while the winning candidate and his advisors—played by an all-star roster of senior officials from the last five administrations—war games the crisis in the White House situation room. They have 6 hours to save democracy as the country teeters on the brink of civil war.

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  1. The typical predictive programming propaganda, telling you what they are going to do before they do it. Just like how the "c'ovid' played out just like 100s of movies and TV shows even called pandemic, WHAT A COINCIDENCE. And you have to have the woke lesbian playing tough, I hope there is a real overthrow by patriots in our government, we haven't had free speech in at least 30 years, we haven't been free or had the 4th amendment since the Patriot Act, everyone at the three letter agencies who think you are cool because you watch movies like this you are what Lenin called 'useful idiots,' you are MORONS and WIMPS who are not so covertly destroying the nation.

  2. Just look at the US national Debt Clock. This should wake everybody up, but it doesn't. Almost 36 trillion in DEBT. hahahaahha

  3. The USA screwed up not convicting Trump et all with Treason!!! Which I believe would allow the Death Penalty to ALL involved including DJT

  4. Save your money and your time. This movie was pure propaganda, and it was not very well done propaganda. It was obviously designed to go along with the assassination of Donald Trump, which did not happen. Throughout this movie, the players are extremely concerned that they cannot rely upon the US Army and the National Guard for fear that they would be revolting along with the losing party. This movie was totally done from a leftist viewpoint leaving no one to doubt that they are trying to instigate a rebellion. By instigating a Civil War, the leftists could easily pick out the people that are on the right. This movie is one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my whole life, the acting was horrible. The plot was incredibly hard to understand. There are no special effects and I doubt the cost of production could have been much more than the cost of the film used in the cameras, and whatever they paid the actors. SAVE YOUR MONEY.

  5. This is a propaganda movie that plays up the false narrative that we all know now, did not occur. The very people who are overthrowing our nation are twisting/manufacturing realities to make any and all who resist them, look like the problem. This is manipulation at its finest.

  6. What a joke! Jan 6 like is was some terrifying thing haha. Is this a comedy? lol

  7. After watching this, it seems like an interesting experiment. At the same time, it is weird seeing actual politicians pretending to play Hollywood versions of what they think they would do in different government roles.

    You also have to wonder if movies like this and civil war are unintentionally (intentionally?) creating the perception that all of this is inevitable.

    They also do not propose any real solutions. So here is one. Every four years during the interregnum and the Congressional process, have a detachment of National Guard from every state meet in Washington to provide security until the transfer of power is complete. That way it would require a much larger number of enlisted people to turn on the Government instead of just focusing on the areas around D.C.

  8. Reassuring that we're preparing for this, and terrifying that we have to. I don't recognize our country anymore. 😥

  9. It's ironic that the party screaming "Save Democracy" is the one who is most guilty of subverting it. Importing 20 million illegals with the sole aim of entrenching their party, using lawfare against their opponents, tilting the propaganda machine in their favor, and colluding with government officials to skew the truth (i.e., Hunter's laptop), etc., only proves the point.

    Always accuse your enemy of doing something you do yourself.

  10. So MAGA are the bad guys, huh? In reality, recent assassination attempt was on MAGA President, carried out by "pretentious" republican. Pathetic!

  11. Americans think that those in uniform will save us from leftist revolutions, but those in uniform are there to implement leftist revolutions.

  12. Jan 6 The day a lot of pro gun people didn't bring guns to an insurrection…. ?!?!

  13. look at the two weirdos running this operation, its just a simulation of jan. 6th all over again and so what let the left win and let the games begin.

  14. What a crap of lies! January 6 was a protest for voter fraud and they lie because that's what they do. Anyway they lie and make it a political take over which it wasn't! Wake up people how many times will you trust them one lie after another! OMG 😱

  15. I swear every single time a movie like this comes out the snowflakes get so triggered cause they think it attacks their beloved leader who lost the 2020 election. Now they wanna act like everything is an attack on them. The MAGA crowd act like the SJWS they hate

  16. Don't rig elections and this won't be an issue. PS… Elections have always been RIGGED. If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal.

  17. Say you’ve never read their oath without saying you’ve never read it. Hint “enemies foreign and domestic” —destroy a country through pure corruption and greed and worry about what might happen.

  18. Let me guess, a bunch of leftists still trying to gaslight the world that there was an insurrection and the only way to save democracy is to take out the opposing candidate well before the election. Wait! haven't they already tried that?

  19. A work of fiction brought to you by NEOLIBERAL GLOBALIST AGENDA. Bringing the ministry of thought to a country near you soon!!

  20. Democrats/liberals have absolutely lost their freaking minds. The only danger to the continuation of the Republic is their delusions.

  21. Fuck off. Stop trying to divide us. My enemy does not wear the American flag on his shoulder.

  22. There is an interesting book "Our Final Presidential Vote" in which a Trump-like character declares himself the winner of the 2024 Presidential election by instructing his team not to certify results in swing states. The chaos that follows includes the US splitting into 2 separate nations.

  23. There is an interesting book "Our Final Presidential Vote" in which a Trump-like character declares himself the winner of the 2024 Presidential election by instructing his team not to certify results in swing states. The chaos that follows includes the US splitting into 2 separate nations.

  24. There is an interesting book "Our Final Presidential Vote" in which a Trump-like character declares himself the winner of the 2024 Presidential election by instructing his team not to certify results in swing states. The chaos that follows includes the US splitting into 2 separate nations.

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