Video Game Reviews Are Broken

Video game reviews have gotten weird. From a broken scale to distrust from players, let’s talk about the weird situation with video game reviews.

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  1. I've never liked numbered reviews because ultimately they're arbitrary. Like what makes the difference between 7 and 7.5 game?

    I've always liked rating on: avoid, play if you like <insert game style>, great and must play.

  2. I just ignore game number reviews. I just watch live streams of my favorite streamers/ YouTubers and see the game play myself and see if they enjoy it

  3. I subscribed to you off of a random short and then the next day you posted one of the most interesting and thoughtful takes on reviews.

  4. As mentioned I am one of those gamers checking out reviews. I'm not looking for a number as much as a discussion about the game though from larger outlets like Kinda Funny, Minnmax, ign, giant bomb. Etc.

    For in depth reviews I find it's best to find the audience the game is trying to serve and see what they think. Small solo run channels deep in the community and knows what people like or not. Space Game Junkie is who I look toward for space games I am interested in type thing

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