Top 20 Best Selling Video Game Consoles of All Time

Reaching the sales of these consoles is undeniably impressive. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re looking at the highest selling video game consoles ever. Our countdown of the best selling consoles of all time includes the Nintendo Switch, the Xbox 360, the PlayStation 4, the Game Boy Advance, and more! How many of these consoles do you own? Let us know in the comments below!

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  1. My predictions for the lifetime sales of currently active platforms.
    Switch: 163 million
    PS5: 125 million
    XBS: 47 million.

  2. I have a PS classic, 2- PS2 , PS3 Slim, PS4 base, PS5 base, Xbox 360, and a gaming laptop

  3. The Switch is my favorite Gaming Console of all time and for a good reason I grew up with The Nintendo DS, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 consoles and the Switch is a combo of all of them its stronger than the 360 and PS3 and you can play with it on the go like the DS!

  4. We all know that the ps2 dominated sales being the cheapest dvd player back then
    Always speak that actual factual please
    For me that era Xbox Gamecube Dreamcast PS2 Gba sp had them all we had Lan parties too hahaha

  5. I only owned 5 from this list, Family Computer/Nes, Sega Megadrive II, GB, PSP and 2DS/3DS.

  6. I had all of these consoles and handhelds.
    Plus others.
    Still have 99% of them with me all these years later.
    Even the 2600 is still working.

  7. The psp beat the GBA, PSP sold 82.5M and GBA sold 81.5M and also PS2 sold 160M not 155M, it was officially announced recently.

  8. I always look back on PS1 and wander what were top 5 games? And struggle outside of Crash, final fantasy, Grand Turismo. Amazing it sold so well but was the time, looking back N64,SNeS and GAMECUBe software really created timeless classics and deserved more but people wanted the mature titles for the time

  9. Its a crime that the Nintendo 64 isnt higher on list plus too bad the Gamecube didnt do better–Both are great consoles

  10. I love Play Station, but to me even if the sales is not number 1, Nintendo Switch for me is number 1 because of it's library of games. PS2 is 2nd then PS4 as 3rd.

  11. ps2 and psp were my dream. never came true.😢 also switch is new dream console. I hope they will release it in India. Sales will go up.

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