Todd Howard Interview: Fallout, Starfield Updates, and More – Kinda Funny Gamescast

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Bethesda’s Todd Howard sits down for a one on one with Greg! Let’s talk Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Starfield, and more!

Time Stamps:
00:00:00 – Start
00:01:47 – Housekeeping
00:03:36 – What Made Adapting Fallout Make Sense?
00:08:50 – How Involved was Todd/Bethesda in the Show?
00:17:16 – Todd on Retiring One Day
00:18:55 – Did Bethesda Want a New Fallout for the Show?
00:21:03 – Bethesda’s Thoughts on Collaborating
00:23:10 – Fallout 76’s Current Popularity
00:29:59 – What is a “Bethesda Game” and how does Starfield fit that?
00:37:30 – SuperChats
00:38:55 – Learning from Starfield
00:43:11 – Todd on Baldur’s Gate 3
00:44:46 – What Todd has Been Playing
00:46:00 – Crossplay for Fallout 76
00:47:48 – Todd’s Thoughts on the Technical Leaps in the Industry
00:51:58 – Starfield’s New Creation Kit
00:53:08 – Todd on Obsidian and Fallout: New Vegas
00:56:42 -…


  1. Frankly Todd we all were screaming that it was turning out like burning hot doo doo. But nope you said I am special I wan it this wayyyyy I will throw a tantrum -_-

  2. But Todd, it WASNT a different experience AT ALL. It was less impressive than Skyrim by a country mile.

  3. I'm happy this video has only been seen by 90k people, otherwise sane people might get the idea that bethesda is bringing out good games and turd might give a shit. This is how creativity dies, Surround yourself by yes-sayers, keep yourself in an echo chamber so you can get your ass licked by 748 fans talking about how ''great'' you are, while bethesda really hasn't been delivering for the last 15 years. Turd howard should be considered an enemy to gamers and gaming.

    Be whatever you wanna be. (but only if that entails 4 different ways to say yes to a quest. peak design for a ''rpg'' with no real choice💀)

  4. Haven't watched kinda funny in a long time. When did Greg start talking and acting like a douche lol

  5. Chat replay is so miserable people just bitching and whining the whole time, gamers are the most sad pathetic people in the world

  6. First time watching this show and the last, the hosts jokes were in poor taste. Good on Todd to defend his devs, 76 was ambitious but it was still good at launch.

  7. In the fall?!?!? Wtf??!! Why are they trying to drag starfield out for so long?? We waited a decade to play it, drop the creation kit already, ffs!!!!🤬

  8. Did you really make Todd Howard wait while you spit out that ridiculously long self promo?! Wtaf

  9. A little after 30:00 when Todd said that they let visual hiccups go sometimes if it allows the player to have fun and keep doing what they're doing, I really respected that.

    I get that sometimes there is some jank, but BGS games let you do things that no other game lets you do.

  10. I enjoyed watching the show, really I did….but god damn does it have issues. The look and feel of it, all fantastic. The actors, also quite good. But the writing….and the way the story is presented…like FFS it's basically brain-dead all the way through. The way it's all presented makes you not realize it on the first go, but watch through it again, pay attention to the story details, and it's just….it's not good. Still enjoyed it quite a lot, they still did a lot right, but the writing was objectively awful.

  11. The rate of release of these games is a complete failure of leadership and shows Todd just doesn't have it. Put it this way skyrim came out when I was 21 I'm now well into my 30s have kid, job home etc etc the people who were most invested into these games and stories are aging out of having the time to even play them. It was a complete miss and means any new product will basically have to rewin fans excessively or bring in new younger players that only know Bethesda as a bug factory and scummy studio that lies about the product. I don't get how he's been able to keep his seat this long. Guy has been able to trick people into believing he was a genius simply because he was the lead of games that ended up being legendary yet were in development before him.

  12. Most of you where boys/girls/childs as you played Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim and Fallout 3 for the first time. So all this "back in the time their games where special!" is just nostalgia. Its sad that the overall (loud!) opinion about a game company is 99% based on feelings (fueled by clickbait Influencers that didnt realy care about games) instead of reason and differentiated thinking.

  13. This interview is actually really hard to watch. Even if the interviewer is joking he just feels mean and Todd Howard did a great job handling everything that got thrown at him. Todd deserves a better interview than this. It just feels kinda nasty

  14. This is hard to watch I never watched Kinda Funny before but this host. Is horrible. Just rough.The horrible joke saying video game developers are lazy. Come on man you can do better. No game Dev is lazy. They work their ass off. And it doesn't matter what video game company they all do. That's not a joke that's disrespecting hard workers. Definitely won't be subscribing to this channel. But Todd Howard did great in this interview.

  15. Is the show set in the same universe as the games rather than merely adapted? Like, the games' events are canon to the show?

  16. 토드 하워드가 그냥 폴아웃 런던 저격한게 분명함 어떻게 모드에 자격지심 가지고 공격을 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  17. todd may not be perfect as many people expected him to be with his games, but the guy is legendary enough to be this inspiring

  18. I Know I'm kinda high. But it gives me Clarity. Greg and some of the people on here ask weird fucking softball questions

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