This NEW Update Fixed A HUGE Problem In Marvel’s Spider Man 2

Video Title: This NEW Update Fixed A HUGE Problem In Marvel’s Spider Man 2

Insomniac Games just released a brand new update for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. It is a hotfix which addresses suit and stability issues. Insomniac Games was also asked about potential Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 DLC and they stated that there is nothing to announce, which could be a good and a bad thing, a good thing in the sense of they could announce Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 DLC during Tokyo Games showcase but also there could be nothing to announce because the DLC could be cancelled too. We just have to be patient and wait for news.

The following issues were addressed:


Addressed an issue where the Spider logo clipped through the chest of the Last Stand suit
Addressed an issue where the Spider logo clipped through the back of the Webbed suit while playing in Performance mode
Recolored the soles of the Amazing 2 suit from red to black per Community Feedback


Addressed a commonly…


  1. What do you want to be fixed/added in a future Marvel's Spider-Man 2 update? Thanks for the love on the channel as always.

  2. The soles are now even more accurate for the tasm 2 suit because they had the red dots in the movie. Originally they were just grey without red dots.

  3. The 2099 suit is also messed up. The black parts on the soles are actually silver in the first game which leads me to believe the suit for the second game is slightly broken.

  4. I saw this before I saw the Rumble Pack short and was incredibly confuzzled.

    The Danno/Jonny beef continues lol

  5. Hopefully they can fix the lenses of the mcu iron spider and make it how it looked like in the first game

  6. Insomniac said that they fix the issues according to the community. I don't really get it about "the community". what is it? is it like here in youtube? discord? or somewhere else? because there is something weird about spidey;s neck on some suit and I want they fix it. for example in spidey's advanced suit 1.

  7. Some stuff id love (but not need) to see:

    1. Be able to change Miles' mega venom blast to his og Venom blast. In addition, an optiom for his venom jumps/dashes to have evolved versions (his hands should glow and have electricity on his chest like in his solo game)

    2. An option to be able to enter Peter's house/Miles' apartment. Maybe collectibles? Trophy for collecting all of said collectibles?.

    3. PLEASE bring back the Spider-Armour suit from the 2018 game (yk the one)

    4. (If) DLC should have more Miles.

    5. Leap of Faith suit. We didn't have it in the miles game nor in this game. Please I'd never take it off

    yep but i hope they recover from the data breach and that they take their time with whatever update theyd want to give us ;]

  8. I want a horde mode. Constant and infinite combat, Choose your Symbiote surge suit, and More suits.

  9. The back emblem of the new blue and red suit looks weird depending how Peter’s body is positioned

  10. The tendril color option needs to be in the abilities section not in the settings, it would look a lot cleaner…

  11. Has everyone forgotten about the beetle thing when that dev menu glitch came out. We're def gonna get it but just not this year probably id expect mid 2025 most likely

  12. 7:00 Bryan Intihar already admitted that content had to be removed to make the deadline. That deadline was a few months before Insomniac was hacked. I don't understand how people could still defend this game when the amount of content and replayability is so little in comparison to their previous 2 even after the few updates we've gotten. The focus being shifted to another full-priced game is not a good excuse.

  13. ⁠Dear ​⁠@insomniacgames‬,

    I had made a video of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Video Game that is about the “time of day” about 3 weeks ago for the “Time of day” and it is really look so weird:

    > Default: normal
    > Day: White rain, White buildings, Black wind tunnel, and Black sky
    > Night: Super dark, Black wind tunnel, and slightly rain (drizzle rain)
    > morning: normal
    > sunrise: rain, Black sky, and Black wind tunnel
    > sunset: normal
    > dusk: same as “night” Time of day but lighter Blue sky
    > overcast: same as “sunrise” time of day

    This “Time of day” wasn’t like this since we had the game and I do have an issue that some “Time of day” parts isn’t normal.

    And ya’ll had an updated the game about 2 or 3 days ago and ya’ll didn’t even fix the issue! Please fix the issue of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Video Game!

    Thank you,

  14. The fact that they updated both Raimi Suit and TASM2 suits feel so good to see. Legit as much as I loved playing in the normal red and blue Raimi Suit just the fact the spider logo on the back kept clipping that much really broke my immersion especially with how much it rose off the back when perched and to be honest the last month was the least often I found myself coming back to play. Now though I feel like I can go back again and swing around like I did before as well as use both Raimi suits in the best way.

  15. I'm not sure if this a me issue but photo mode is broken. Certain filters aren't appearing which severely limits creativity playing the game. Personally I don't care how one-to-one the film suits are although peter's itsv suit glows for some reason, but that's a major issue for me.

  16. How come when you select Spider Legs in settings you can't do the special attacks? Its still the venom attacks?? Thanks

  17. i honestly was hoping for an update for the Peter B Parker Suit.. the suit still looks weirdly off putting and too flat. I seen like lightly placed new details. The lenses gotten a little gloss and light highlights to see the suit texture but othetwise not great to support the off putting feel of the suit

  18. Finally they fixed the suit problems. Same thing with the last stand suits logo was doing the same

  19. I’m gonna sound super negative here but has someone who’s favorite suit is the tasm2 suit, I never use it in this game because it’s so different from the live action suit

  20. They still haven't fixed the audio issue in the part peter takes pff the symbiote.

    In the non new game plus version When peter starts ripping the mask part and beyond off he is screaming like it hurts him.

    In new game plus when he rips everything off he isn't screaming anymore its just mute while the music is playing

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