This AWESOME RPG Only Has FOUR Reviews…

No hate on Sly Cooper, it’s just not the most hidden hidden gem.

NOTE: I added in the custom portraits from other games, Klothscape didn’t do that. If you comment about that, I’ll know you didn’t watch the whole video 😉

To find out how you can potentially get a FREE COPY of this game, make sure you watch the video through to the end! Five lucky people will be chosen. Huge thanks to Pentti from Klothscape for supplying me with one of my favorite gaming experiences of 2024.

Games Shown, In Order of Appearance:
Final Fantasy VI
Fire Emblem (GBA)
Chrono Trigger
Phantasy Star Collection (GBA)
Ys Books I&II
Eve of Calamity
A Hat In Time
Serious Sam: The Second Encounter HD

Additional footage from SpongeBob SquarePants and The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy.

Music Used:
EarthBound – Onett
EarthBound – Sanctuary Guardian
Dart’s Theme – The Legend of Dragoon
Home – Eve of Calamity
Hyrule Field – The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Asterna – Eve of…


  1. I should have perhaps included a note about this sooner, that's my bad — the portraits you see from other games like Stardew, Fire Emblem, etc… I added those, not the developer. Stay with me throughout the video to see why.

  2. My favorite RPG I've played lately is Dread Delusion, which while having a healthy heap of jank, has some amazing writing and art direction that really makes the surreal setting come to life

  3. Persona 4 for Me, since It's the first RPG that I finished.
    It was also the first time I met social link system, where Your immersion with the background characters help with Your progress. So there's that.

  4. This video appeared on my feed and it was really interesting. I've liked and subscribed. One of my favourite RPGs ever was actually Blue Dragon. It's a game made for the Xbox 360 with the musician behind Final Fantasy, the original creator of Final Fantasy and the artist behind Dragon Quest and Dragon Ball. I particularly like the way you can combine classes and class abilities. It gives the game this second fun game in your own head working out what to do to get the best characters you want. Thanks for sharing this video.

  5. To this day, I still really love dragon quest v. it is one of the few games that properly conveys the idea of time passing not only from its time skips, but from the changes that happen to the characters and the world as you play it.
    Despite the time skips, it is a story that truly feels like I am playing the life of the character, from childhood through to their adult life, and watching them grow and learn as they adventure through the world with the exact goal their father instilled in them as a youth. It’s like going through the whole game with only a single quest, but it genuinely takes the whole game to complete the singular quest.
    I still have fond memories of the characters and monsters I had with me along my adventure, and still name many of my monsters in dragon quest spinoffs after my party members from that game. Heck, most RPG protagonists that let me name them get named the same name I gave the protagonist in that game because I’ve so strongly associated rpgs with my feeling from that game.

    As for eve of calamity, I’m probably going to buy a copy even if I don’t get one of the free copies, as it seems right up my alley. I love indie rpgs that combine aspects from the different games we love, and this game looks just like some of the games I’ve fallen in love with in the past.

  6. I just got to the end. So here is one of, if not my favorite RPGs, Horizon's Gate. if I had to sum it up in one word it would be: Freedom. The ability to pick things up and move them around in the world is something I had never really experienced in the way HG presents it. For example one of the first things in the game you'll pick up is a plain wooden plank. shortly after you'll find some bandages. The planks can be used in the over world to fix a bridge, and the bandages are a combat item that heals you. And I wouldn't blame anyone for just assuming those functions were the limit of those two items. But in reality if you take those two items and place them on top of each other they form a splint. Which is a stronger combat healing item. The wood planks can also be used to make early game weapons. And while I don't know of other uses for wood planks, I do know of other uses for bandages. Most of this knowledge is trail and error, or from the games "look" feature. Using the look feature tells you about things in the game world you click on. Each thing grants a journal entry. Weather it be a race, class, or a blade of grass. Their is an entry for almost anything you can see on screen. In this sense you know as much about the world as you choose to know, depending on how often you use the look function.
    With that out of the way I'll talk about it's open world aspect. You are the commodore of a ship, with the potential to command 9 ships at once. The size of your fleet and crew are up to you. Though there is a small "quest" at the start that encourages you to have at least 5 members. Which you will want since that's the max size of your overland expedition party. For the parts of the game that don't take place at sea. Once you are past the opening sequence of the game you are set out to sea. The wide blue yonder is yours to explore how you see fit. It's even possible to spend the entire game as a trade merchant, or maybe you fancy yourself a pirate and work towards becoming a terror of the sea. Or maybe you'll see fit to join one of the three major factions and serve them, or simply use them to grow your own power and serve your own needs.
    Along your travels you'll encounter a range of NPCs. Some will have information about the area, or rumors about the next hot sale item and what port city will need it, others still will have information about far away places yet to be explored. One of the most interesting NPCs to me are the class trainers. All characters start with "Sailor" as a base class and branch into three separate trees from there. Warrior, Rogue, Mage. Each character has a main class, and a sub-class. Additionally they can unlock two slots that allow them to use a single skill from a 3rd, and 4th class. In addition to meeting exp requirements to unlock new classes you are also required to seek out and learn from class trainers in the world. Not only does this promote exploration, but it makes the world feel more alive. I really enjoy the addition of the class trainer system. It also prevents you from grinding to the "strongest" end game classes right from the get go.
    Finally you mentioned how much you enjoy customizing your games by playing on PC. Well there are two steam modders for this game. Prominence has an extensive mod pack that adds new classes, NPCs, quests, locations, systems, and story lines. Another good mod creator is Mafe, especially if you're looking to increase the survival aspect of the game.
    If you've made it this far then thank you for reading all that. I don't have a lot of places to just gush about this game. So as a reward I'll give two little nuggets of in game wisdom. 1) never underestimate a piece of gear, even a simple red scarf can be the difference between life and death. 2) when you see an elemental stone, don't be afraid to use the <prayer> skill on it.

  7. I love discovering these kinds of games. I think I'm gonna check it out. Thank you and more power to you and your videos!

  8. "the final boss is harder the longer you're playthrough" Welp guess I better not fall asleep playing this one. Leave it running all night.

  9. One of my favorite RPGs is Mario and Luigi superstar saga. It's just full of charm, the humor is great, the way the characters emote really gives it a plus, and the story while overall simplistic, the whole adventure was full of great moments. And of course the combat is great, not as strategic as other RPGs, but the way the attacks and dodges get you to act and time out your inputs makes the combat always fun, at least for me.

  10. Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Complete. Used to go to sleep listening to the soundtrack every night as a kid. Was one of the first rpgs I ever beat, epilogue included. Also, Grandia. My grandma had gotten me Monster Rancher 2 for Santa day n unfortunately earlier my brother had done the same, so I tried to fake being happy about it but she knew of course. lol So when we went to exchange it I picked out Grandia n it was one of the best choices I coulda made. Still love it, still reminds me of my grandma. She was an awesome lady. oOo Also also, Jade Cocoon. The story was very different from what I was used to and I adored the art style in the cinematic intro, course now I know it it was a Ghibli artist, but at the time it was a new unfamiliar art style. But the game has virtually infinite monster combinations due to using a procedural merging system. Neat as heck! oOo

  11. One of my favorite RPGs is a game called Cris Tales. The artwork is lovely, and I enjoyed the story start to finish. I think the part I enjoyed most though was the unique time travel-y system in battles. Eve of Calamity seems great by the way, great job devs! Sorry to hear about what happened with the artwork situation, maybe later you can push an update with improved portraits?

  12. My personal favorite rpg of all time is Devil Survivor 2. I picked up the original DS version randomly just based off the cover art. Had no clue about the SMT series as a whole. It was one of those random game purchases early in life that stuck with me forever.

    Like a lot of SMT games, it takes place in a demonic apocalypse. But specifically, the first week of the apocalypse, focusing a lot on the early fear and uncertainty, the slow settling realization of just how massive the scale of this disaster is, and a lot of it comes across as pretty relatable for anyone who's gone through a natural disaster. (My home's had so much hell with tornadoes and floods, it's ridiculous.)

    I especially love the cast, as it's not the usual teen to young adult focus a lot of atlus rpgs are focused on, instead having a pretty wide range of ages, which help to showcase the different kinds of people all caught up in this mess. One of my favorite characters is a single mother, and I think it was maybe the second ever single mother I'd seen in any media ever at the time.

    Oh. And another thing. All except for maybe 4 or 5 characters have optional deaths. It takes some /serious/ work to get a playthrough where everybody lives.

  13. Final Fantasy 4 was my first RPG and I still love it the most even though FF6 is probably objectively better. I've actually beaten 6 too and never 4. (2 and 3)

  14. have you heard of Deathbulge: Battle of the Bands? My favorite RPG in a long time. about 200 reviews 99% positive. It's funny, has a unique battle system, hand drawn art style. It's so good. It needs more eyes on it.

  15. Grandia for me. As a young child, that game was my escape. Its Magic system was wholly unique, from the mechanics to the visual representation to the ways different characters would conjure it, it was unlike anything I’d ever seen. The characters and arcs were simple enough for my young mind to understand, but strong enough to keep me engaged as an adult.
    The true draw, though, was the world. All I knew of fantasy was Tolkien and medieval Europe. Grandia was something out of a ghibli film. Absolutely stunning.

  16. Dark Cloud 2 is an incredible RPG that's probably a bit too sprawling for it's own good. Between decent if straight forward combat, random dungeon delving, mech combat, monster transformation, magical golf, cooking, crafting, fishing, training fish, building towns to suit your needs or the needs of the game, a good solid story and fantastic art direction it's just incredible. I hope we one day get a Dark Cloud 3.

    Thanks for the heads up on this game, even if I don't win I'll probably pick it up sometime sooner than later!

  17. I'll give you another game that needs some serious attention. "Artifact Adventure" though not as hidden as this game. Artifact Adventure definitely needs more reviews. I do see some let's plays, but hardly any reviews And it's even worse for our artifact adventure DX. Which is a prequel, which is a prequel.

  18. Came here from your reddit post. Save your key for someone else who can use it, happy to buy the game and support this awesome project. Def worth a buy, excited for them to keep growing this game and what else they develop in the future.

  19. Love to learn about a new indie RPG with potential!!!

    Favorite RPGs… Nephilim Saga is a sick one. It combines Fire Emblem tactical movement with the squad-building of Ogre Battle. I should finish my let's play on that at some point…

  20. I hated RPGs as a child, I thought they where boring, lazy, underdeveloped and way beneath the action hack&slash adventures I loved so much. But… Let me tell you a story:

    I lived in South America and when I was young my parent's Australian friends gift me an original Xbox, I was ecstatic! but it was region locked, I found that out when I tried to buy some games and couldn't find any that worked on my system, so I had to wait about 1 year in between each of my games for the Australian friends to come back and bring me another one as a gift, and I was a kid who loved his single player action adventure games, those that get reeeeealy boring real fast so I had to think very carefully about my game choices.
    Turns out that one day my parents friends decided to surprise me with a sudden gift of a game and I had to choose quickly because they where at the store and needed to leave soon! I told them I needed to think a lot about it but there was no chance for that, it was choose now or another year with the same 3 games I had beaten to completion a thousand times over (If you where wondering they where Spiderman the movie, Prince of Persia the sands of time and Dino crisis 3, yes, the bad one) so they started to name random games on the wall and told me to choose from them, it was chaos until I heard it ''Star Wars'' Oh yes, I loooooooved star wars as a child, the jedi knight series, pod racer, battlefront, the phantom menace the movie the game (they can't all be winners) I knew I couldn't go wrong with a star wars game, so I locked on and told them ''THAT ONE'' and waited patiently for their arrival.
    The day finally came and I got the game ''Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic'', it didn't ring a bell, but it has to be packed with action adventure goodness right? Like Jedi Academy right? At least like Shadow of the Empire right??
    It… was… a…. turn base RPG………. THE HORROR…
    I wanted to cry, but had to thank them with a smile and hold my tiers until they left.
    I drop the game and didn't play it for, like, a month, but I wanted to play something new, my old games where driving me nuts, I needed variety!!! So I did it, begrudgingly I boot the game and started playing my first ever RPG, and what happened amazed me, the story, it was, so good, so much more detailed that other superficial games and the tactics weren't the fast paced action that I wanted but creative problem solving mid fight was very rewarding and… what was this? deep choices with meaningful outcomes and consequences?? I have never seen this in a game before, was I missing all of this just because of my stereotypical hate towards RPGs? How have I been so blind.
    I beat the game, and then I played it again, now going for a dark side run (I couldn't do it, betraying past friendly characters was too much for my young self) but that thought me a valuable lesson. I indeed must not judge a game by it's cover. And if what you say about this game is true, I really want to play it.
    Right now it looks like what Star Wars KOTOR looked to me when I was a child, and I would be honored to have my prejudice blown away again just like that moment a long time ago… in a past far, far away…

    …(Cue Star Wars Theme)…

    Sorry for the long comment, I just wanted to share this experience with someone who truly understands.

  21. MY favorite rpg has to be either Oblivion or Fallout NV. both games mean a lot to me as they were basically some of the first rpgs ive played other than Skyrim and maybe some others ive forgotten. both are pretty old and oblivion has some level balancing issues but both of them tell incredible stories. one of a Mailman and the other not even the main character of their story.
    Oblivion plays much more into the weird side of fantasy than Skyrim and i love if for that.
    Fallout NV was way better than Fallout 4 in terms of story and character creation (not visual creation but things like backstory)

    if i could go back and play these games for the first time again I 100% would

  22. Thanks to this video I played the Eve of Calamity demo, had a lot of fun with it, so I'm deciding to enter the giveaway.

    Chrono Trigger was my favorite RPG growing up, and I still replay it every so often. A few years ago, I found out for the first time that if you use the last character you can recruit to beat one of the final bosses, the music changes and there is unique dialogue. It's such a great game, such a memorable experience, and I'm shocked (and a bit embarrassed) that it took me so many years to discover this neat little detail I had missed.

  23. other than the obvious fear and hunger that just resparkled my interest in the genre, i think the most unique experience i had was etrian odyssey. I watched a friend of mine in elementary school play that game ad i was istantly captivated. For the little dumb dumb guy like me, the idea of drawing the map as you explore was so incredible that i just could not stop thinking about that game. In retrospective many of the things that i loved at the time it's now the reason why i would never touch that game if not for nostalgia. I remember when we found enemy that could petrify your party member and the absolute terror anytime you would find one of those because party member could be revived even in combat but petrification? You gotta bring your stupid a** back to town to free them. Now that i am an adult and i have a more critique eye i see the absolute ammount of bs that that game trow at the player but the thing of being a child is that you are too stubborn for no reason at all and something that would simply be too much for me now, was something that a kid with a friend would find top quality past time. Anytime we found something new, a new enemy or simply the newest mechanic to mess your day was always incredible. The thing about playing as a kid to a game is that you never think of the game as a game that was made by someone with balacing and all that stuff, but it's just a new word with its rules that you gotta crack. If you find something unfair as an adult you can't help to be bothered by it, but when i found something unfair as a kid sometimes that thing was cooler for it. I mean, yeah, you have all good grades and everytime we play soccer you are the best player that is, but the damn basilisk in etrian odyssey petrified my whole party in 2 turns, so yeah i would say i'm not that impressed. Man being a kid is so stupid that is genius.

  24. My first instinct is to talk about Phantasy Star IV or Star Ocean 2 as far as my favorite RPGs go, but really, I feel like I gotta go with Lunar Silver Star Story Complete. I absolutely adore the game, and the sincerely romantic story and themes. It is, to me, one of the greatest love stories ever told, and the art and character designs have inspired me in ways I can't even explain.

  25. I've never been too big on the RP genre until I played this one fan-game called the 7th stand user. I never got to complete the game, but the time I spent with it remember really fondly. It was unique, a game that injects you into the plot of Jojo's bizarre adventure; Stardust crusaders, a short personality test grants you your own unique stands (which if I remember, there's at least 10 of them). Your choices affect the endings, character relationships— I've seen a playthrough where the main character turns evil. The battle system was interesting to me too, RPGs were wildly different from the games I usually play. It was great, though I haven't played an RPG since, I think I'd love to check this one out.

  26. I'm so glad a friend of mine recommended that I watch this video. I definitely wouldn't have given this game the time of day otherwise.
    And on the topic of my favourite RPG's? Right now, I'd have to say In Stars and Time. Its cast of believable characters and story really kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. So much so that I started achievement hunting. It's a real trip of a story and quite emotional towards the end.

  27. It's gotta be ffx after 20+ years. The story balances dark and downright silly themes perfectly in my opinion and its aged so well, if you don't count what they did to the models in the remaster. I wouldn't have the love for rpg's that i do now without it. You get Jake the dog with a goofy accent, yah? Lulu, the master of belts. Kimahri is fun cuz he's always someone's little brother every run. Auron is Auron. Rikku and Yuna both did nothing wrong ever in their lives. And Tidus, he laughed.

  28. One of my favorite games is Daggerfall. I played that SOOO much as a kid, and the open world nature of this, combined with the seemingly random injectors has me very interested!

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