The Rubber-Keyed Wonder – Official Film Trailer (2024)

Check out the trailer for The Rubber-Keyed Wonder, an upcoming film from Anthony & Nicola Caulfield that tells the story of Clive Sinclair’s now legendary ZX Spectrum home computer that was first released in 1982. The world premiere of The Rubber-Keyed Wonder arrives on London’s BFI IMAX on October 3, 2024.

The Rubber-Keyed Wonder charts the development and creation of the ZX Spectrum from concept through to its first release, and the financial and reputational success it brought Clive Sinclair. It also examines the impact of subsequent versions of the computer and features a huge array of games that were developed on the Spectrum including: Jet Set Willy, Knightlore, Chuckie Egg, Ant Attack, Saboteur and many more.

The film is highly nostalgic and features rare archive material combined with new interviews with the Spectrum’s original designers, Sir Clive’s son and nephew, and some of the Spectrum’s greatest game developers, all sharing their memories of the spectacular…


  1. OMG…got goosebumps all over, hearing that sound you hear when you press play after entering load""

  2. Great looking trailer, spoiled by the appearance of the complete 🔔🔚 O’Brien …..

  3. AND indirectly was able to boost the computing revolution in East europe so much that they are still using them

  4. There should also be a film…
    the advanced 16bit chip in an 8bit world that was not only at the heart of the ZX Spectrum, but was also running most factory lines and industrial processes for many, many, years afterwards. Much of the modern world was built by machines that used the Zilog Z80 processor.

  5. Didn’t he sell the business to Alan Sugar after all it was Amstrad who brought out the Spectrum+2 and +3?

  6. My first computer was a c64 but my friends had a zx, the days we all spent playing Jet Set Willy, great memories. This was the golden age of gaming.

  7. The most important thing with these first home computers was that they came with a book on BASIC which for many kids, like myself, was an introduction to the basics of programming and a chance to be creative not just play games. Today there’s nothing like that for kids from any of these tech companies.

  8. Looks interesting but this trailer gave me a headache. The dialogue needs to be mixed louder than the music.

  9. That trailer is low energy I'm sorry to say.
    Such an important tech and cultural thing as the Spectrum deserves something a little more high energy and kinetic.

  10. Il mio primo PC, con cui ho pure imparato a programmare in Basic…❤️❤️

  11. The Timex/Sinclair 1000 (the North America version of the Sinclair ZX-81) was my very first computer. Thank you Sir Sinclair!

  12. OMG the cheap Adobe Premiere Pro spotlight effect…..who amateur editor did you hire for this??

  13. Sir Clive , the ginger comb over king.
    The children of the church of the rubber key salute you sir.

  14. it's time the first computers get honored for their influence on so many young people who grew to later change the world.

  15. I'm buying "The Spectrum" that's coming in November 👍 Were these available in America. My first PC ♥️

  16. Things we need less of 1: fast zooms, 2: lens flares, 3: saccharin music. Things we need more of 1: tape loading sounds, 2: tape loading sounds, 3: loading error screen. Thanks!

  17. Clive Sincllair spent most of his time developing products "normal" people could afford to buy. Not submitting patents to later sell to giant faceless tech companies for millions.

  18. The single greatest home computer ever made, it really was a rubber keyed wonder.

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