The Precinct – A Day in Averno City | PS5 Games

Think you’re ready to police the mean streets of Averno City? Art director Lewis Boadle walks us through a day in the life of an ACPD officer, from parking ticket duty to high-speed car chases.

The Precinct is coming to PlayStation 5 in 2024.

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  1. I'm gonna play as an average American police officer:
    – Overly aggressive approach to civilians.
    – Highly sensitive ego.
    – Resorting to physical contact as soon as possible.
    – Harming/crippling civilians for no justifiable reason.
    – Getting promoted/paid vacation when I am actually found out for being a bad cop.

  2. For decadea i want to play as cop in gta game style. I am 45 years now. I will be The Rookie.

  3. I hope you can remove lots of the HUD. Like the health bars above the suspects. It would take more effort to tell the innocent from the rule breakers

  4. I've wanted this exact kind of game for years. Can't wait to see the full release.

  5. That would be sweet if modders will be able to find a way to add modern police vehicles in this game like lspdfr.

  6. looks like mini gta. but as policeman. nice camera angle.looks fun. sorry ubisoft. im canceling star wars outlaw. im getting this one. 😂😂😂

  7. Looks great.
    I just hope they turn down the steering sensitivity so the car doesn't shift side to side so quickly. It looks very arcady which doesn't seem to suit the style of the game.

  8. Man I wish I had the time to play games again. All I get is maybe like 30mins a week if I'm lucky. I miss this so much.

  9. GTA5 had everything to do this. All they had to do was a DLC for $20.00 and they'd make billions. But they just wouldn't.

  10. I remember playing GTA4 LCPDFR. I like how indie devs are taking small ideas/mods implemented in previous titles and turning it into a full gameplay experience.

  11. Here’s a fun idea: an online edition which is compatible with GTA. So you can either be a criminal or one of the police who are after them and every character is controlled by a real person

    Maybe that’s already in the works?

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