The Elder Scrolls: Castles – Official Launch Trailer

Check out The Elder Scrolls: Castles launch trailer for this new mobile game that puts you in control of your very own castle and dynasty. The Elder Scrolls: Castles is available now on iOS and Google Play.


  1. This is the dev team giving ppl below the minimum to shut up fans because they know their taking way too long to show anything for es6

  2. So many cynics in the comment section who haven't even played the game and just blame milking a frachise even tho movies get milked more and they still watch the crap.

  3. Im so glad time and resources were put towards this instead of the sequel people have been begging for since 2011.

  4. Without the Elder Scrolls brand, watching the animated sections just looks like a slice of life fantasy show set in a castle

  5. Wow, another shitty mobile game nobody wanted or asked for to squeeze more money out of people, great.

  6. So, its Fallout Shelter but with Elder Scrolls? Surprised it took them that long to come up with the idea. Also, 1:22, Argonians can officially breed with humans now?

  7. What the heck does this have to do with TES other than the lizard and cat people? Such a tonal twist…

  8. Meh. Not for me. I'll stick to Skyrim. Hope the audience they're targeting will play it though.

  9. Why did the Khajiit go from being being various forms of big/wild cat to being house cats?

  10. What is the point of races in game if they all do the same thing? 😂
    Why not to split on Orcish settlement or, dunmer, khajit with their culture and you just pick which one you want to develop…. Wold be much cooler

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