Tenet of the Spark – Official Reveal Trailer

Check out the reveal trailer for Tenet of the Spark, an upcoming narrative-led urban brawler adventure game, where you can jump between three worlds, including a gritty city, the Viking age, and ancient Aztec civilization. The trailer gives us a peek at gameplay, story, and the three unique worlds. Tenet of the Spark will be available on PC and consoles in 2026.

Tenet of the Spark follows the story of Will, a boxer standing up to street gangs and the ghosts of his past. Aiding him on his dangerous journey are the spirits of his ancestors, whose power he can channel as his consciousness slips back through the ages.

Embrace the powers of the Will’s ancestors, including a frost-bitten Viking and ancient Aztec warrior to gain the upper hand in battles, solve puzzles, or just explore another side of Tenet of the Spark’s world in the blink of an eye, as you battle through deadly gangs and unravel the truth behind Will’s unique abilities.

#IGN #Gaming


  1. Немного не понял зачкм на фоне поет русский чел, какая то солянка получается, всех напихали что то…

  2. Российская игра про негра со сверхспособностями… Надеюсь он хоть натурал!

  3. A urban jungle game … that is only saved … by its Viking hook , hahaha …. that tells you volumes

  4. So are these alternate timelines versions of himself or maybe ancestors like AC? Either way it looks sick, combat is like Sifu meets Streets of Rage = NOIIICE

  5. Well it is obvious now that those early clips they showed a while back with super smooth animations were pre-rendered, and were shown to generate hype. This looks more like a real game, yes. But can't shake off a slight feeling of having been deceived. Can't blame the devs though.

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