Tales of the Empire | Official Trailer | Disney+

Long live the Empire.

Experience #TalesOfTheEmpire, six all-new Star Wars Original shorts, available May 4 only on Disney+.


  1. Star wars animation series are way better than actual movies i would rather advice them to invest in more animation i love them because they are fantastic excluding the mandalorian its perfect the way it is

  2. Very interesting. I definitely want more Star Wars animated shows, they are one of the only things I like for the most part ever since Disney got the rights of Star Wars back in 2012.

  3. I love how blind fandoms can be , where the company who owns star wars hates you and blames you for making terrible products yet you'll go running back for more . You know you can like a product and not think everything they make is the best thing since the last thing they made

  4. Idk, the first episode is following morgan elsbeth or whatever her name is, but with the failure of ahsoka, i just dont care about the character, like at all. I was going to watch more but i just cant be bothered at this point.

  5. alright fellas, I'm watching the first episode, those glowing green witch sickles are so freaking cool dude, were not even 2 minutes in and things are hectic. OOH I HAVE A GOOD FEELING ABOUT THIS SHOW

  6. Tried watching “Tales of the Empire” but it didn’t even follow the real empire. Didn’t see a single storm trooper. Just barris and the Witch. The animation and fighting was well done. Story wise it was connecting things that we knew from Mandalorian. You get to see Vader walk and sit in a chair that’s all😂 I wished to see more of the actual galactic empire. Not a redemption arc of Jedi gone dark then redeems that’s not tales of the empire. I honestly don’t understand what they were thinking when writing out that story.

  7. Disney produziert eine Serie mit Imperium im Fokus, wir hatten was, 1 Minute vader und keinen Papa Palpatine aber dafür geschichten über Charakter nach denen kein Mensch gefragt hat und wo das Imperium nicht wirklich im Vordergrund ist. Schade das Filoni am liebsten seine eigenen Charaktere Promoted und alles andere zweitrangig ist. Wen interessiert was Morgan Elsbeth treibt, also bei aller Liebe, und sie steckt nartürlich hinter Thrawns passion Projekt, Frauen waren hier wieder der Dreh und Angelpunkt von allem. Traurig was aus Star wars geworden ist und wie vorhersehbar alles geworden ist

  8. Wish I didn't dislike animated movies and shows so much. A lot of good sci fi shows/movies have been going in that direction and I think that really sucks. (While at the same time they're trying to turn many animated shows into live action). Now it seems like we usually only get the worst of both worlds.

  9. It would be so cool to see a tales of rebels like Kanan Jarrus or Ezra

  10. Waaouuh, Darth Vader is in this kind of series, so coooooool!!!😲

  11. I like how 2/4 of the inquisitors shown at the end have already been clapped by Ahsoka at this point. I hope Bariss and Ahsoka meet again so we can make it 3/4

  12. Greivous was only in the show for a single scene, and Vader was straight up click bait. And yet those were the best parts of this show

  13. Idk, I dont like all this inquisitors stuff. Like, isnt the sense of original trilogy in that fact, that there only a few last jedi left and just a couple of siths are ruling galaxy? What about rule "there are only two of them"? For me, this rebels thing is ruining. It makes these movies senseless, because we just can to not care about Luke, Vader, Palp, just in case there a lot of many other siths and jedi who will continue their war and will revive the orders again and again.
    P.s. But i really love my fav General(not Pong Krell) finally got what he deserves in this series

  14. bro we need a clone wars animated style inquisitor series. that or a vader/grievous show where it shows what they did to these planets.

  15. Is looks like the inquisitors are allow getting on they knees for Vader😂😂😭

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