Starfield Halo and Gears Going to Playstation | FF Rebirth Reviews | Not Just Gaming News

What Happened? | Microsoft going full Multiplat | FF Rebirth Review Embargo | Not Just Gaming News
Microsoft might be going multiplat in a big way.,

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  1. I'm late but as a lifelong PS player, I've almost bought an older Xbox just to play older Halos, so it would be amazing.

    On the other hand it seems like a terrible idea for Xbox, ever since Xbox One it seems Microsoft isn't entirely sure what to do with Xbox anymore, so for Xbox fanbase I'm against it but I wouldn't hesitate to buy Halo 1-3, Reach, and ODST if they came to PS.

  2. Microsoft doesn't care about exclusivity. They care about the power of the dollar bill. Sony needs to pay in order to host these titles, especially Microsoft own titles.

  3. honestly, i may be in the minority… but i dont think this is a good thing for pc players at all…

    every single pc game that also had to be designed around consoles ALWAYS came with very fucking big flaws one way or another
    console ports are a massive downgrade for the whole game and that has been a staple forever

  4. alright im tired of you not showing up in my feed during such a crucial time in gaming ringing the bell all notis on. thank you for all you do

  5. Was actually gonna buy a Series X because I really wanna play Hellblade 2. But if it’s gonna come to PS5 then I can wait. I don’t care for any of their other first party stuff.

  6. It would be fine to go third party if not for the fans sticking with them when there was nothing exclusive and now that there is just saying “wellllllll thanks for
    Sticking with us but we’re gonna put everything on everything”!

  7. From financial point of view this might benefit MS, however, by doing this xbox as a console will die. I mean why would I or anyone for that matter buy xbox if I can play Indie or Avowed or Fable on PlayStation? This is a tight slap on the faces of long term fans who decided to stay and root for xbox all these years and when MS finally invested in 1st party games, they are not exclusives anymore. Kind of sucks.

  8. What we need is a good old videogame market crash so devs with live service games can go f themselves. Also 500K a month is what less than 2% what hey have made in sales.

  9. Buying a PlayStation 5 next week I own a Xbox X if they go and do this il just be buying a PlayStation here on out

  10. Ive been on xbox since 2004 and this is just a punch to the gut if this is true and if it is I will save money for a pc for some games but no more xbox.

  11. really really really don't think these service games are sustainable at all. Feels like the MMO boom after the blowup of WoW, its clear this model is very feast or famine and can tank a studio if it bombs hard enough and unfortunately we might have to witness just that before we go back to more normal.

  12. I am a pc/ps gamer, I have owned 2 guns of Xbox, and currently have a switch as well. For my part I love that Sony and Microsoft have/ are branching out, I do understand the argument that games sell consoles but they are also profitable by themselves. I hope ms Continues to do hardware because it will keep sony and nintendo from getting complacent.

    As to games as a service, I am not a fan, there are some that I like but for the most part it is just not my cup of joe. Have played warframe, destiny, war zone an dropped all of them because of the update cadences I find them tedious instead of fun.

  13. If modders do get to play with starfield maybe they could make it half decent unlike Bethesda 😂

  14. I don’t care if studios are making more live service games because I’m literally not gonna play any of them.

  15. Let’s be honest. The quality of Xbox exclusives over the decade pale in comparison to PlayStation and Nintendo.

    When halo died, Xbox died.

  16. that many live service games in the pipeline has me worried in a few years when most of them have either launched/canceled or have been launched and cancelled in the same tweet(we need a word for this) we'll be in for a bunch of studios going under.

  17. Why spend a fortune developing something that is so toxic that you create nonsense names to hide that it's a despised Live Service? Talk about lipstick-on-a-pig thinking.

  18. I follow quite a few channels so you'll see this pasted around.
    I think it's pathietc the way some people are reacting.
    Gate keeping fan boys saying "baby voice * I'm gonna leave the xbox eco system because other people can play my games.. They're mine.. All mine, mwaa *"
    In the long run it's a good thing that potentially some games will come to other platforms down the line.
    More players – potentially more content – longer support!
    Think about it, halo, gears, Forza player numbers go stale after 6/12 months then it gets released on other platforms which injects millions more players and encourages developer to make more content… WIN WIN for everyone!
    Nothing is being taken away from Xbox users and their eco system.. Still have timed exclusives (until hardware completely phased out) They'll still have game pass (Pc, Ps6, switch 2) and more content /players! IF Microsoft decide 5 years down the line to stop hardware production.
    Yeh.. Sony might hike prices slightly but you're still getting great value with game pass attached and no need to buy 2 consoles (which some people do /would like to do if they could afford it) for console exclusives.. Because they'd all be available on 1 system!.

    The other alternative would be Microsoft leaving the gaming business entirely!!
    Would you rather have that?.. No.

  19. I’m not paying for live services that want to nickel and dime me on top of a full price entry fee. If this is the future of “gaming” then I’m happy to hang it up for good.

  20. How do I feel about 95% of developers making live service games?
    Well, I know I can't wait to not play them so…

  21. I think Sony will hold onto a console for awhile because people will buy it but a game like Horizon, GoW, and even DS1&2, GoT, TLOU, they will keep pushing that.

  22. I wonder if this is the reason why Sony have started to 180 on the live service push 🤔

    I felt they were only doing it because they were so scared of losing CoD and needed to replace the revenue. But if Microsoft pivot to being a publisher then they don't need to worry.

  23. Investors pressured Microsoft to go full third party publisher like Sega did so they have instantly big flow of cash. Big misktake though. The reason the Xbox hasn't sell well so far is not because of the failure of Gamepass. Gamers don't care about Gamepass as we saw. They care about first party exclusives. And so far Xbox hasn't put out quality first party titles. They could have very easily if they stayed first party. They would gain huge numbers back to their Xbox console if they remain first party. They have a great lineup of titles for this gen like Hellblade 2, Indiana Jones, No Rest For the Wicked, Blade, OD, Elder Scrolls VI, Doom year zero, Dishonored 3 and more. They would have grown so much their Xbox base but they have the patience of a crybaby. I have a PS5. Competition is good. There's nothing positive about this

  24. Just what we need more live service games. You think they would have learned a little something from Baldur's Gate 3 and Larian.

  25. I guess this was inevitable when ms has been losing the console war pretty dramatically against PS and nintendo. The smart thing is to do away with exclusives and to invest into cross play.

    The console fanboy wars, i think, have past now. We just want good games and to be able to play with friends, regardless of the sustem you use.

    Invest in developing games, producing them… good ones. Stop investing in live service games, youve ruined that, people are done with the greed and no longer care about live service.

    What people want is a really good player experience with the ability to also play with friends… not 80 people online in one map.. i mean 4 or 5 friends that just want to pal around in a very cool and well made game. Thats it, thats all you need.. ofcourse, thats shooters aside, FPS and driving/sim games will always have their own popular markets where those type of player mumbers are wanted, say like battlefield or cod (although those are two giants that are just slowly breathing away their relevance).

    But yeah, i think the world is collectively done with every damn game having a battle pass and every single game being always online… people are even more sick of buying a new game and not being able to play it due to server issues.
    Having a divide between gamers, at this time in the world, when specs no longer devide classes of systems to shuch an extreme, it only make sense to do away with the exclusivity as it will hinder not only your sales if said exclusive, but, also the consol it is run on.

    In the long run though… i can see this going a route where MS now just produces games and doesnt make consoles anymore. Sales wont be there to keep up with a new console being developed every 8-9 years i dont think, simply because exclusives push console sales.

  26. There are the results of trying to force push subscription gaming services only. Ubisoft should take notice.

    That's a shame and I was a massive xbox og and 360 fan, I lost interest after that era.

  27. Xbox lasted a LOT longer than I thought. The XB1 launch was such a self-sabotage. Phil and Co. spent years rebuilding their rep and encouraging brand loyalty.

    This right here, is Don Matrick worthy. Shooting themselves in both feet with regard to their brand. But possibly the best decision that can be made from a business standpoint.

  28. I don't mind if a bunch of games go to PlayStation depending on the game because ain't we also getting PlayStation games to

    Even know they are sadly a bunch of issues with it to but im just enjoying games ss much as possible

  29. Ugh my 10 year digital library bout to be worthless if they stop making consoles. Guess I’m going back to steam

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