1. It's Ubisoft, enough said. I'll skip and wait till it gets a discount or when it appears on PS+.

  2. It’s just clear that Ubisoft wanted this to be the biggest game of the year and get 10’s and 100’s. They sunk so many resources into this just for it to do fine.

  3. The game looks alright people need to calm down and stop expecting baldurs gate and elden ring every year from this point forward. It ain't gonna happen. Ubisoft appeal to their own fans not really people who already don't like their content. I have enjoyed literally every farcry game of recent years, sandboxes to me are just fun if you don't like that idk go play soemthing else.

  4. I'll wait a year for that heavy 80% sale after everyone conplains on day 1 that is not good like theyvdo every single game now a days. By that time, it will be half off all the time

  5. My problem is that it’s Ubisoft and I don’t trust them anymore and the stupid editions and crap are not even worth my time maybe the game is great but the extra stuff on the side and I just can’t live with

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