Star Wars Outlaws DIES On Arrival! Investors ABANDON SHIP After Ubisoft SCREWS Players Over. INSANE!

This is one of the most DISASTROUS game releases I’ve ever seen. Can’t say I’m surprised, though. Ubisoft is no longer the company it used to be, and they’ve proven that with the release of STAR WARS OUTLAWS. The game launches to DIMINISHING returns, as investors ABANDON SHIP and treat the Ubistocks like a PUMP N’ DUMP Memecoin. That in addition to Ubisoft BANNING innocents from their subreddit for saying ANYTHING negative about the game, as rumors SWIRL about Outlaws’ HORRIDLY POOR game sales. I break down all the INSANITY, right here. Check it out!
#starwarsoutlaws #assassinscreedshadows #ubisoft #sweetbabyinc #gaming #gamergate2 #gamergate


  1. How Ubisoft has fell. Used to love Ubisoft in the 2000s and early 2010s, stopped caring about Ubisoft in 2020s.

  2. Lol kind of expected for me, i bought division 2 on preorder from ubisoft which gave you a few days early access the game turned up a week after launch, great game but i havent spent a penny on anything ubisoft since

  3. Concord is the beginning, Star Wars Outlaws is the continuation and Warhammer Space Marine 2 will be the reality check.

    Warhammer, Elden Ring and Wukong will show that people want quality, not quantity and especially not woke politics with pronouns.

  4. It looks like it gameplay mechanics are heavily influenced by assassins creed which i knew they would do because unbisoft is basically a one trick pony and people arent buying it any more

  5. This game sucks all female protagonists and antagonists, not one male it's so dam bad nothing but propaganda u can tell this was woman that never played games growing up and just wanted to shove this down real gamers that are males straight males at that so they pander to the 1% that play this but screw the rest the loyal gamers that stuck with Ubisoft when it was terrible and still stuck with them just so Ubisoft can give the straight males the shaft the first time we get an open world star wars and we get screwed by women who know nothing of real game culture just another snow-white scenario change everything to make sure it lame and wack and not straight.

  6. The red flag was that they said it had the biggest marketing budget ever. If I heard that I would ask why does it need such a large marketing push if the game is such a slam dunk and anticipated?

  7. That number of viewers isn't bad. Right now, WuKong is 47k. Talk to me when the numbers match Concord. I'm not interested in Outlaw anyway.

  8. This game is great this game having a female lead is a change but still good. I would prefer a create a character with universal name for boy or girl but I can't complain Kay Vess is great 👍

  9. They did the same with Skull and Bones. At this point it should be assumed this is how it will be.

  10. I'm sure this game has some issues but it seems like if as a game designer, if you make even a single mistake at launch now, these crybaby gamers will eat you alive. These big corporations should have realized by now that all of these modern gamers are little fuckin brats that will eat you alive if you put a single foot wrong. Both sides drive me nuts to be honest 😂 but at the same time you can't be releasing junk and sxpecting greatness.

  11. Wait up Reddit mods were deleting comments? That alone shows me that Reddit isn’t free speech I guess , basically no one will play with this game since they will be scared to voice there opinion

  12. This guy is just spreading hate outlaws is a good game and the first star wars without an agenda in a long time play it a feel the classics come rushing back

  13. Will unisoft he around by the end of the year? AC Shadow is likely to bomb, too.

  14. I don't understand why they keep on creating single player games. smth like this game should be open world, co-op and multiplayer

  15. I like it genuinely. Paid 120$, never had any problem with the PS5. Allthough, I never installed it Day 1.

    Its People like you that fuel the ones Who already hated Ubisoft, the NPC's and the idiots

  16. I don't get how they could screw up the stealth mechanics this badly while they are pretty much the biggest developer of stealth games ……… 🤦🤦‍♂🤦‍♀🤷

    Also, why on earth did they not get a ubisoft+ subscription and play in on the same day for 18 dollars or so ?

  17. I mean to be fair it prolly only takes 1-2 days to beat this game so I’m sure most people just finished their let’s play and stopped watching🤷🏻‍♂️

  18. I want to play this game, I just like world exploration, and that seems to be the only thing they got right in this game.

  19. So there was a glitch in the game that was patched with an update a day later and you think it's a pile of shit? 😂 It's actually pretty good even though the missions get repetitive.

  20. All those who are against ubisoft are r4cists – gamers , market , market graphics , economy and money management … , logic , common sense

  21. I'm watching SWO YT reviews just to see many of them rip it up and read the comments.

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