SQUID GAME Season 2 Teaser Trailer (2024)

rewrite this content and keep HTML tags SQUID GAME Season 2 Teaser Trailer (2024) Date Announcement, Thriller Series © 2024 – Netflix.



  1. When a show or a movie are big Hits like this they should put and start the production and filming at least a few months or A year when the 1st came out…not some years later,audience would get bored to wait and finally quit.

  2. idont get it why are people mad with 2 morea seasons coming out.. u know this tv show is as expensive as a korean movie right?? they dont have the budget to do 4 more seasons plus its their show so they get to do what they want to it weather is cancelling the 3rd season or realeasing a 4th season. u guys dont get how much effort they've put in to this

  3. Jesus that is it? I’m noticing shorter and shorter series, it’s like people either don’t have the imagination or inspiration, that’s why I don’t like getting into series on Netflix or any series, so many good series that only gets maybe 3 seasons tops or just one. I am excited about this one though.

  4. I'm rearry rearry excited for this.

    Seriously, i am tho 🔥🔥🔥

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