so… minecraft movie trailer…


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  1. They did the CGI terrain because it's cheap. They just use that big CGI studio disney has and do the entire movie from there. Maybe they knew it would flop and wanted to save money by not spending the time on Mo cap.

  2. I saw the real people in CGI world coming too, I thought that was already well established tbh but I'm still not happy with it. I don't really care that they took liberties with what is in the world tho because let's be honest, there is a reason that terraforming in builds exists and it's because the actual Minecraft world can be a little ugly.

  3. No, the biggest flaw is the writing and acting. Even I'd it was animated it wouldn't help it gain a soul.

  4. But a minecraft movie is combine a minecraft story mode,minecraft,minecraft dungeon,and minecraft legend and make a movie for combined minecraft abd spin off

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