Six Cat Game Reviews – with Tom Vasel

Tom Vasel takes a look at six games about the grandest, strongest, most majestic animal of them all: Cats! 0:00 Intro 0:35 Cat …


  1. I love my cat games. The top ones right now are Cat Lady (students choice), Isle of Cats or their R&W (my choice) and Cat in the Box (rising star). HM to Calico – don't own it but liked it when I played it.

    Way Too Many Cats looks fantastic. Probably my next cat game.

    Other cat games I have/had – Exploding Kittens, Bad Bad Cat, Cat Poker, Cat Crimes, Purrrlock Holmes and maybe a few others that I can't remember right now

  2. If there's one sure way to get me kids to play a game with me, its to make sure it has a cat theme. Luckily, i bqcked Way Too Many Cats and Hissy Fit. We've been having a blast with both of them. And they've both worked well when i played them with adults.

  3. As creator of Cat Days all I can say is we took it to various game events and feedback was and is very positive. 95% of those who played at events ordered copies and we have been asked and are producing an expansion More Cats. Sales are strong and really helping our fundraising for the animals we rescue. The strategy in the game is in using cards like the cardboard box to steal a cat, the pointer to remove one etc and if you play a high scoring cat early on, you are likely to lose it to a card like this or have it cancelled. I am personally quite sad you didn’t like the game but would like to invite you to our stall at Essen this year to watch gamers play the game for a few minutes as I think you will be surprised. In good will to the dice tower we would happily produce a Tom Cat promotional card to help your own fundraising – he could be placed on any day, would score 2 and scare away any adjacent cats (with the fierceness of his reviews 😊).

  4. Calico, Isle of Cats, Cat Lady, Cat Packs, Boop, Cat in the Box, Cat Cafe.
    I wish there were more cat themed games which were quite as good as the likes of Calico and Isle of Cats. They're really fun games.

  5. I have played Cat Days and, to be honest, I am not sure you actually played it, or even looked at it in any detail before you recorded the video. The thing is, the scores on the cards depend on how hard the cat is to look after or to rehome (for a rescue). So a nervous cat, a shy cat, or a feral cat would be worth more points, because a carer would work harder to look after him, it is an element of education in the game. Also, because, e.g. a feral cat can be played on your opponent's "week" to scare all other cats away, and you can hold on to it till later in the game to upset your opponent's plan, it is an element of strategy, isn't it?

  6. If cat days raises money for cats, that means Dino days raises money for dinosaurs? Seems a bit late for that…

  7. I actually just ordered Hissy Fit after hearing you talk about it on the podcast (and watching the playthrough on OneStopCoopShop). Glad to see it here as well and can’t wait for my copy to arrive. Seems like a lovely weeknight coop with my wife.

  8. as a teacher i hate games that use complicated scoring systems. i do enough scoring marking and evaluating my students exams and works 😩

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