1. This is such a terrible idea. Remaking something to use cgi effects is the worst possible reason for a remake.
    There isn’t anyway to improve on the first version because it’s more or less just the book. The acting was solid and it was just great.
    Remaking it a second time is such a waste of

  2. Waste of money and time! The 1979 Miniseries was a slow built up to the sheer terror that would eventually enveloped the town. You cannot do it in 1 hour and 53 minutes.

  3. Hollywood is screwed. Why have you race swapped characters so unnecessarily. Won’t be watching as the 1979 Tobe Hooper series is already there. Sorry, but none of the boys in the story were black. You’re just pandering to the woke mind virus.

  4. The original mini series is superb nothing can equal to it. Its still the best salems lot. And the book of course is number one book for me. Will hope just a little inch can this new version can make me scared a little.

  5. “Things have gone bad in the lot now.” Well, when your community is invaded by evil vampires, I’d say that’s definitely an understatement. 🤣🤣🤣

  6. There is a short story by Stephen King called Jerusalem's Lot (published along with other stories in 1978), and from this story he wrote the book Salem's Lot that inspires the 1979 miniseries and the current movie. The curious thing is that the story was published after the book.

  7. Seems no matter how hard they try to remake the Stephen King classics, they will never come close to the originals. But the new itterations are enjoyable.

  8. This is one of the few SK novels i haven't read… gonna read it first (imo the book is always better 😅) but this looks horrifying. I can't wait.

  9. Боже мой, очередной фильм, в котором люди экономят электроэнергию. Если картинка настолько темная, что приходится напрягать зрение, я теряю желание смотреть такой фильм.

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