Renfail Reviews New World Aeternum Open Beta

Renfail reviews New World Aeternum after playing the open beta weekend on the PS5. He first played New World when it came out on the PC several years ago and compared this version to the launch version of the game. Join as a member to support and get access member-only videos and perks:

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  1. I am a old school player. I have 2000+ hours on PC and played the Beta for the launch rewards and look forward to starting again on the fresh start servers with my console peeps.

    I agree with this review. If you are a new player, or you haven't played since the botched launch in 2021 this will be a new experience and you'll easily get 50-75 hours out of the MSQ alone. They are adding an end game raid and a PvP island which will be new content even for PC players. If you put a decent a mount of time into the crafting system, the MSQ and participate in some late game activities like Mutated dungeons, elite chest runs and Artefact farming I think you could easily pull 100-200 hours making the game exceptional value for the cost.

  2. How does my current character on PC get plugged into the new version? At what point do I enter the story? Will my progression be kept?

  3. I played about 40 hours when the game first launched but never committed due to friends changing servers. Aeternum might be a good reason to come back!

  4. I enjoyed open beta more than the closed beta, i had 1 random crash yesterday when in fast travel, just didnt load into the next zone, other than that was just trying to push the story a bit to get the plot, and understanding the combat mechs, did a few side quests for mount and just to make toon stronger, by the time i got to the druid Adiana is where the story really started to shine for me and i was sold especially once i started getting blue weapons with gems, once i saw orange gear i stopped.😅 Savoring for launch, only thing is though the Quality and 4k modes both 30 and 60 need a touch up bc we are heading to ps5 pro, so the graphics imo are looking like ps3 remaster pushing ps4 and i think they could probably get to a ps4 pro push ps5 imo, other than that its a def buy for me, will def be playing this bewteen TnL👍🫡

  5. I played the game for the first time because the beta was available on my Series X and I'm a sucker for free. It ran smooth but didn't really grab me for the first couple hours. It was shiny and clean but I didn't care until I got through the very linear starting section. Once I did and the new world opened up (pun intended) it became a really cool place to explore. I loved the ability to climb on things, which is a rarity for MMOs , and being able to just kinda go in a direction and find something to entertain myself with hooked me in and now I`m sad my time is done. I don't know if I'll be paying full price at launch, but I'll definitely be getting onto the full game at some point.

  6. Thanks for covering the game! It’s awesome to see new/returning players speak positively about the game. There’s been so much toxicity surrounding new world that, in my opinion, is often unwarranted. Yes, the game was a mess when it was launched. But it’s come a long way since then. Unfortunately the larger community still holds on to that negative initial experience. So we need people like yourself to set the record straight and get mmo players to hop back in and try it out for themselves.

    PS: I’ll be releasing a video today in regard to the negativity within the New World PC community and I gave your channel a shout out 😎.

  7. I played some of the beta on Xbox, never had any experience with it previously but my question is what makes this NOT an MMO? It feels very much like ESO. But through various reviews of the Beta, people have said this is not an mmo. Appreciate the video 🙂

  8. I played the beta and as someone that played at launch its definitely better now and more streamlined. I'm confused though, I've got the base game but not the expansion. Do I need to purchase the expansion before I can play the new version?

  9. "I think 25 is the max level for the beta" 2 seconds later a lv27 rides past him on a horse xD

  10. Great review! I love it that You can play solo, and if want co-op or multi with others. With family and job, other real life things sometimes i play 20 minutes, sometimes 30minutes or something like that. And to be able to quit game and do real life chores without letting other ppl down is awesome. And if I have more free time group with others. Love it!

  11. So what happens when youre playing NW right now? As the msq has changed will it update to the new story line or do I need to start over?

  12. If the melee combat is satisfying and not floaty I'm in. I dig the visual style and they finally fixed the running animations. Also heard some aspects like liefskills feel like runescape.

  13. Good review. I was one that also played at launch, eventually walked away in hopes they would fix a lot of the issues. Came back about a year later, sometime right before mounts were introduced and a number of areas were already changed.

    The storage shed system was thankfully changed, as you probably remember, having to travel around to store crafting materials, misc. items etc., wasn't exactly enticing, now you can store items in various towns from one area. A buff system was also added, reminded me of SWG but to lesser degree, but still effective. I would still recommend this game to people that were around at launch or new players wanting to dive into it. Still experiencing LOTRO on one of the new servers, but certainly going to get back into NW eventually.

  14. I played this up to level 25. All by myself, I didn't group or do any party content, but I really enjoyed it. Handles great with the controller, and 4K held up well, didn't have to go down to performance setting at all. Definitely going to preorder it for launch day next month.

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