1. Damn, the developers are top, they made really good music, yes, I'm writing this before the release date and I downloaded the games

  2. Mob pls relieas poppy play time ch4 whith felted feat and baytet bredhsleap drawas ever near but i ame not afrade of dedh for we have alredy meet traler pls

  3. And now that it's available on consoles, the only thing we can wait for is chapter 4…OFC IT'S NOT COMING OUT ON MOBILE HOW DO YOU EXPECT A GAME THIS BIG BE HANDLED BY A LITTLE SCREEN. IT. WON'T. COME.

  4. Chapter 1:scary and fun😄✌️
    Chapter 2:very scary and also fun🥳😯
    Chapter 3:great and very very scary 💀

  5. You ever notice how Cat Nap seems to wobble when he's walking? Like he can't go fast for very long. I think that's why he uses the Poppy smoke so much, it lets him get close to his prey without expending more energy than needed.

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