PlayStation 4 Emulation on the PC has hit a huge milestone

PlayStation 4 emulation has been on fire lately with the emergence of a new emulator ShadPS4 which is capable of getting in game with 3d rendering. This has been a milestone that other PS4 emulators have been unable to achieve up until now. ShadPS4 can get in game and render 3D with games such as Red Dead Redemption, Tomb Raider I-III Remastered and more! And then there is Bloodborne – a game I never imagined would even boot and display the main menu, but it does, and this is a very exciting time for PS4 emulation in general. And we will be covering it all in today’s episode. Please enjoy.

A very small percentage of people may experience epileptic seizures or blackouts when exposed to certain kinds of flashing lights or light patterns. These persons, or even people who have no history of seizures or epilepsy, may experience epileptic symptoms or seizures. The Red Dead Redemption Footage has flashing images.




  1. Are there any late-release PS4 EXCLUSIVE games coming out? Kinda like some exclusive NES games developed after the SNES came out. (I'm sure I missed some great ones, but there's no going back to that dinosaur console when the SNES was released.) Devs were able to push the elder hardware to it's limit from the accrued knowledge and experience gained over the years.

  2. Love how Bloodborne has straight up gotten its own channels in the discord and everyone is trying to optimize the crap out of it. Even the main branch is now getting ingame (despite no rendering).

  3. A fully functioning 60fps Bloodborne is what I'll wait for. That way I can even use Lossless Scaling to utilize its frame-gen to acheive a 120fps experience.. Very much looking forward to this!

  4. All I care about is Minecraft PS4 Edition Legacy Console being fully compatible/playable as it’s the best version with feature like amplified world generation & stability… it’s very astonishing to see the console in general getting emulated brings me back to seeing the progress of CEMU running Botw on PC

  5. 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

  6. Only 2 weeks later and Bloodborne emulation is pushing polygons and getting to gameplay.

  7. I honestly think we will see Bloodborne running at atleast native performance/resolution much much sooner then expected given how ShadPS4 seems to mostly focus on getting this game to run properly. The progress that this emulator has made in the last couple of WEEKS (not even months) is just insane.

    Sad thing is that they are one of the most toxic communities i've ever encountered on GitHub. Just for reporting an issue which (according to them) doesnt belong on GitHub but instead on their Discord, they immediately close the issue while giving little to no helpful answer but instead start bashing you and tell you that you should'nt use the emulator anyways if you don't know what you're doing. I'm DEEPLY sorry that THEIR instructions page is incomplete and that i'm not the guy that uses GitHub on a daily basis and don't necessarily know what cloning recursively means especially when this information is nowhere to be found beforehand. I've never had to clone anything recusively in GitHub because most devs knew how to use it correctly, with branches being seperate standalone branches and not depending on each other.

    When the code does not compile and gives no conclusive answer to thy it is not compiling then i'm opening an ISSUE on GitHub because well… It's an ISSUE! No need to be a bunch of assholes over that.

  8. what the system req for PS4 emulation?
    also hopefully DOAX3 can be play on emulator sooner

  9. On red dead use system modules and turn fsr off and it works so much better

  10. I see Bloodborne, I click. Literally the best horror game ever made. I wish it didn't run like ass.

  11. I'm still impressed it took this long though. I thought 3 or 4 years after release someone would start developing something, considering x86, weak Jaguar cpu and that it was even more PC-like than the OG Xbox for example. Same with Xbox one, but most games on that were on PC of course (except Halo 5).

  12. I don't realize how much work there is left to do to make this playable, like how much time are we talking about?

  13. i hate when brits try to say words.. it sounds like you are saying shed ps4 even the cc thinks so but you are saying shadps4 i only know that as i can see it at the top at 0:53

  14. Maybe try disabling the debug output. I have personally seen cases where there is so much delay from the debug outputs that the fps drop, and from the look of it (especially with the toomb raider stuff) there is an insane amount of output i.e. 1 or even more lines per frame which even if one line only takes 1 ms that still leads to a lot of slowdown.

  15. Can't wait to see driveclub playable. This could finally give pc gamers a chance to play that game!!

  16. The Order 1886 , Infamous Second Son, Killzone Shadowfall, Knack 1 & 2 too many PS4 exclusives I want to play

  17. I have a quick question: why are people trying to get 60% of the PS4 game library (around 6000 games)? I think it would be enough to get all the PS4 exclusives (maybe around 50 games) and make those work. For everything else, you can just play it on PC. Am I missing something here?

  18. Before: Everyone Played the Emulator for The Last of Us and Demonic Souls
    Now: Everyone Waits for the Emulator for Bloodborne and Driveclub

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