Perfect Dark – Gameplay Reveal – Xbox Games Showcase 2024

Earth has been struck by a series of disasters, bringing ecosystems around the world to the verge of collapse. In this first look at gameplay, follow agent Joanna Dark as she hunts down the world’s most wanted criminal, Daniel Carrington, to uncover the mysteries that threaten the lives of millions.




  1. does anyone else notice that the movement looks really close to titanfall's?

  2. Bro…… wtf
    Give me back area 51 and HD REMASTER GAMEPLAY AND ALLOW solo mission to be played on combat simulator

  3. this was the first 360 game i played and i cannot wait for this finally! and she’s hotttt

  4. I played Perfect Dark in the age of 13.
    Now I will play Perfect Dark in the age of 36.
    Goosebumps ❤️

  5. I hope it’s good. I mean looking great and playing great (are 2 diff things) and having all the bells and whistles it had PLUS more now because it’s a remake I hope to God the best thing about it isn’t just the graphics. With XB I hold my breath.

  6. Im shaking with anticipation cause i last played OG Perfect Dark back in middle school when i was 13

  7. Now that you're getting rid of the DEI nonsense can you please make her beautiful?
    Make Women Beautiful Again.

  8. With today's video game industry, I'm surprised you all have such high expectations. Must be some large-scale memory issue or something.

  9. So we’re going to give this another go then? Ok I’ll at least feign interest until I can see actual control responses

  10. Me who's born after 2000 about to ask dad for his n64 to play the first game

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