Outward: Definitive Edition Nintendo Switch Review!

This is a perfect example of why our scoring system works. I absolutely love the game but objectively it has a lot of weaknesses and the final score is fair for the vast majority of players. Let me know what you think. Mark #Outward #Nintendoswitch #Review

00:00 – Start
03:55 – Combat
05:56 – More On Survival
07:43 – Skills
11:38 – How does it look on Switch?
13:31 – Music and sound

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  1. Update: First patch is out and performance is definitely better. Visuals also improved. I'd add a few points to that section. 350,000 Subscribers wuuuuuut… 🎉 How long have you been with the channel? Mark

  2. Once I tapped into (and learnt) the magic aspect of Outward, I never went back. The magic system is wild.

  3. Playing this on pc is the best option honestly trust me me and the wife have to many hours but that's cool they put it on the switch but seriously get it on pc as well it's a world of a difference 🤘

  4. First of all, congratulations on 350K subscribers! I feel like you touched on the most important points about the game and gameplay. However there are a few things I'd like to add.
    -When you drop your backpack, there will be an icon on your compass showing where you left the last one you had equipped.
    -You do use stamina but enemies don't, so don't waste time trying to make them run out, because they won't. What they do have is a stability bar (the white/grey one below their health), which you can and should exploit. With each hit they will take some impact damage that will make this bar go down. Once it reaches 50% or below each subsequent hit will stagger the enemy, until it reaches 0, at which point they will get knocked back and fall down allowing you to land a couple of free hits if you're positioned correctly or have a weapon with a long enough reach such as a spear or halberd (the bar will also reset to full so it might be a good idea to keep it low rather than deplete it completely for tougher enemies). One of the most useful skills early on is the kick, because it will deplete half the stability bar of most early enemies and you start with it (you just have to assign it to a quickslot). But keep in mind that you also have your own stability bar at the bottom of the screen, and that the same principles apply to you as well.
    -Something the game doesn't tell you is that on every map there are safe spots to camp where you don't have to worry about getting ambushed and thus wasting time guarding. Without spoiling too much, look for a chiming sound. There is also a very obvious visual cue once you know what to look for but I'm keeping it fairly vague for people who might want to find out themselves.
    -When I started playing I was very nervous about dying and thus didn't explore much. Don't make the same mistake, the consequences for deaths are honestly not that bad. Most of the time you'll simply get some burned health and stamina which you can recover with a quick nap, and running away is always a valid option. Just don't forget your backpack!

    Finally, this game can be pretty time consuming and the grind for money and skills at the beginning can get pretty annoying. But if you have the time and can overlook the game's flaws you'll be rewarded with one the most unique and fun adventure experiences out there. I have 230 hours and feel like I've barely scratched the surface. I haven't even touched the late-game bosses and arenas yet.

  5. Let me start it off.. You will either love or hate this game, i really haven't found anyone in-between and it really is something you need to play for yourself to see if you would like. This game will not help you, hold your hand, or tell you what you need to do next. Some of the quests later on for the storylines are "Sorry we don't know where this person is, maybe ask around or try to find them" and you are on a time limit for most stuff. You are given a "realistic" experience. You are not a chosen one, you are not all-powerful, you are a regular person like you or me that takes on an adventure. You become powerful but you are not invincible, mobs you fight early on will still kill or hurt a lot if you get too comfortable.
    If you get a quest and do not complete it in a certain amount of time the quest ends and you cannot finish it and it will block future quests from that questline in that playthrough. There are consequences to your actions however these are mostly scripted and mostly only trigger if you do not finish or complete what is asked of you in the timeframe but don't let that put you off, the game will give you more than enough time to do the tasks but its up to you to prioritize and figure out what needs to be done.

    Fully exploring the first zone, doing all the content you're able to and not rushing from map to map will take approx. 10-15 hours and later zones will take longer. (Full map exploration isn't required but fully encouraged so you are able to take on much stronger enemies without having to continue to make runs to stock up).
    COLLECT ALL THE CRAFTING MATERIALS!! Seriously! You can ignore drops like food (unless you need), weapons or armor (unless they are an upgrade) and throw all the crafting materials you can find into your chest. Mess around with the crafting system throwing items in there to see if they combine WILL NOT use items unless they are able to be made into something else! making an item gives you the recipe for it as well so you will be able to spend less buying recipes from shops too.
    If you rely on stops for potions/crafting materials, you will be broke and not able to learn new skills or buy things you need and the last DLC requires quite a bit of money to get started efficiently.

    Speaking of skills there are trainers all through the world- Most are found in main cities however there are a few that are hidden around the maps. These locations are usually not marked, and you need to stumble upon them (After finding the location you can place a marker on your map to have the location marked) basic skills cost around 50 silver and going higher can be upwards of 600 silver. You are given 3 "class points" and each trainer you can "Breakthrough" to gain stronger abilities in that class however you can only learn one spell per "rank" for example if i breakthrough and the spells "Stab" and "Slash" are available i will need to choose if i want to learn slash or stab (These are not real spells, just examples)

    The magic system is unique and without diving deep into it, as it really is something that you need to do yourself to fully understand, is each spell by itself mostly does nothing. Maybe it'll give a small buff, maybe it'll do a very little damage but when you combine these spells together is where the power comes from.
    If you want to cast a fireball you first need to unlock magic and gain the first spell given to everyone for free, you then need to unlock how to cast a circle of fire using the item called a Fire Stone and then once standing inside this fire circle you can then use the first spell you are given to turn it into a fireball. You can do this with Ice, Eletric, etc however this is the most basic.
    There are some that require you to buff yourself to be able to cast certain spells and once the buff wears off you need to wait for cooldown again to be able to cast and some buffs you can "consume" to give your weapon an elemental buff or something similar. There are a few different types of magic that all require different combinations of spells to get the full potential and effect.

    There are lots of locations here that interact with each other. For example, there can be multiple entrances to dungeons, but it will put you on different floors, getting where you need to go can either be a piece of cake or extremely difficult depending on what route you decide to take.

    The game puts exploration and survival before other RPG mechanics, most places in the world do not have quests or things attached to them but hold some extremely valuable or powerful loot, some have NPCs at the very end of the dungeon that will give you buffs, boons, spells, items, or let you craft unique gear.

    You have no levels, experience, reputations, or anything like that. If you have the game knowledge and decide to go to end game areas to grab some powerful stuff to start your adventure, there is absolutely nothing stopping you (Unless there is something tied to a "faction" story quest). You can even pre-clear dungeons and grab the items you need or what bosses to kill. There is no linearity, and you create your own path each character you make.

    Speaking of… You will need to create a total of 4 characters to playthrough all the main faction quests. You can only choose one per playthrough to follow and each give their own unique items, spells, and buffs but they make it a little easier on your other playthroughs with the addition of the Legacy chests. Legacy chests you can store items into on one character and select them to be used on another, the items are then upgraded to have better stats, damage, or buffs you can do this two times to most items to get the full effect from them.

    There are MANY MANY puzzles and loads of items that you will have absolutely no idea what to do with until you either google it or do some trial and error, there is a Rusted sword in the first zone on top of the mountain this sword can be restored with items from different zones and this will give you a really strong sword however on top of that once restored if you take the weapon back to the location you found it there will be an option to use the sword and it will transport you into a mini-dungeon with a boss fight. There's quite a few of these hidden locations like this.

    Personally, I've found the main story is lackluster however its made up with being able to craft your own adventure with tons and tons of little things to keep your interest or your mind going, theory crafting on what you can do with certain things and when you figure something out on your own its the best adrenaline rush.

    If you are looking a traditional rpg game i truly cannot suggest you play this. If you're looking for something different and have the patience and dedication to take the time and learn what the game expects you to understand i really think you'll have a wonderful time.

    Sorry no TL;DR can't really condense the post!

  6. Just bought a switch. And I'm 2 months late to enter. But I'll deffo be buying kingdom come deliverance

  7. I’ve picked this up today and I am so excited for my day off Friday to get stuck in!!

  8. I played it on PC. Definitely one of the best survival adventure RPG I've ever played

  9. "That one time, at bandit camp…" – I see what you did there! If you know… you know 🙂

  10. You have no idea how refreshing it is to see a newcomer actually using the stamina buffs. 😀

    Glad you enjoyed it!

  11. The Switch version is a dumpster fire of a game. Even with that first patch items in your inventory will disappear for no reasonThe visuals look horrendous in docked.

  12. Yall the only switch channel that matters, goto channel when im checking out what new game Im tryna buy

  13. Been with you since I purchased my switch 3 years ago 😀 my come too place when im intrigued about a game!

  14. Is there splir screen coop in this one too? Considering double dipping if there is

  15. Love ur vids,very useful to someone who needs help with good games to buy,love kingdom come deliverance and would love to be Abel play on switch while traveling to around for being in the ER, much love ❤️

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