1. 大物体出现在相机前太明显。 它在夜间特别引人注目,当沥青上有它们的反射时。 而且从动态光源(头灯)中添加阴影会更好,我明白这对于渲染来说很难,但是当英雄在夜间在车前时非常明显。

  2. You should really add some epilepsy warning of something, this is VERY flashy, very fast and bright transitions.

    Other then that it looks awesome, i hope to god this is not TOO heavy on requirements.

  3. Our phones are gonna overheat like a bbq grill once this game is released

  4. I patiently wait so that I can spend on this game, hopefully it’s not too long until the release.

  5. Can i customise the MC in like TOF , only Female MC in the pv will there be a male MC?

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