New Next-Gen ACTION ADVENTURE RPG Games For PS5 PRO, PS5, PC & XBOX | LOOKS AMAZING 2024 & 2025!

New Next-Gen ACTION ADVENTURE RPG Games For PS5 PRO, PS5, PC & XBOX | LOOKS AMAZING 2024 & 2025! We Really …


  1. The Awakening is a Dirka Dirk indian Terrorist game with Curry Powder powers………………………………………………Dirka Dirka

  2. The geometry is more realistic. But the behavior is still the same. Some call that physics. Behavior, aka motion, needs to have more realistic behavior. I can count the number of variations. I should not be able to count the number of variations.

  3. The future of gaming certainly looks beautiful but will they possess that certain charm that exceeds their beauty..

  4. I'm hyped about DA:Veilguard, but I'll be waiting until xmas before I get it. Want the reviews first.

  5. Io vedo tutti souls con pg e mostri diversi.. schiva, attacca, rotola e salta

  6. Fable looks absolutely atrocious……so much woke trash made by hack writers, there is definitely a few potential gems at least

  7. I've watched several of these videos about amazing games and I have gotten a nice little list going now of games to play when ESO is down for maintenance. :}

  8. The graphics look great but…. same old thing. Shooters, monster killers, same types of classes, blah blah…. Want something really different.

  9. These games look fantastic right now, but I have this weird habit of losing interest by the time they're released.

  10. wish Faith of Danschant stayed as turn base, the previous game was a great turn based rpg.

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