New MMO Releases, War Within Reviews, And Amazon is Amazon…

Amazon Games Studio is being silly again. Brighter Shores gets an Early Access Release date, Jagex talks about removing MTX, World of Warcraft War Within is getting positive Reviews.

Here’s your August MMO News.

0:00 MMO News for August
0:50 Runescape 3 Microtransactions
3:00 Brighter Shores Release Date
4:28 A War Within Early Reviews
7:48 Amazon Games AI Debacle


  1. So I have this one question open to anyone who cares to reply.. what if a game eliminated the EXP AND item collection grind.. then then entirelt focus on rewarding players that study the game and execute it better? I'm not asking if grinding is fun or not. I agree with people that enjoy the grind. Im just saying… make a grind server, a hardcore highly competative server, and a "pay to win" server.

  2. I unsubbed and didn't pre-order The War Within. Early Access makes sense for small studios working on their first title and need funds to help push to the finish line. It's just fucking greedy for an established game (the most financially successful one at that) to throw it in as a pre-order bonus. It's also egregious that it was put in the largest pre-order option to push sales as high as possible for investors. $40 more than the base option. Fuck that. And I know some WoW fanboi is going to come riding in here on their steed of superior intellect. So, I'll acknowledge the fact that the $40 gets you more than the early access. But lets be real here. More than half of the people buying it are doing it just for Early Access. Which is why it's tact onto the most expensive one. Otherwise, it would have been put on the other ones as well. They got greedy and have split their community and completely borked the new expansion hype.

    Twitch launch with Dragonflight had 800k viewers with NO sponsored or endorsed streamers. War Within launch day had twelve large Twitch streamers endorsed and promoted by Blizzard to play the game. And viewer counts didn't reach 200k. They done fucked up!

  3. Jagex be like "We know you dont like our current monetization, (we like it because it's making us a lot of money) but please give us feedback on how you'd like us to monetize you".

  4. Don't get your micropenis in a twist about WOW Early access. It is only 3 days and it hurts no one. It rewards players who were supportive enough to give money before launch. Relax.

  5. As a lover of New World, the company running it has destroyed a beautiful property. The focus of this team is some of the worst ADHD I have experienced. Their PR just makes it all the worse.

  6. I was all excited to play wow again. I found out about the pay to play on time aspect and felt the joy die. I will not be playing. I vote with my wallet. I had just finished a classic run a week ago and even just unsubbed that. It's funny that it took me so long to get over my Blizzard issues and come back to wow only to get disgusted again so soon. I think I just might be done with them.

  7. I wanted New World to be β€œmy” MMO so badly. It was such a fresh take on things. It’s so sad they let it get to the state it did.

  8. EQ2 p2w and crates are out of control and just getting worse. Only server that's tolerable to play on is origins but it is all old content.

  9. You have every right to get hot about clueless CEO's. His response is almost cartoonishly evil complete with a moustache twirl in dismissing the humans involved in his own studio. Thanks for kerping us up to date

  10. 6:00 "compared to the last three expansions"… That is a very VERY low bar!

    Plus people forgot about the cube crawls, the co-president not getting paid the same as her other co-president (interestingly), Bobby C calling his Secretary and leaving a death threat to her, stolen breast milk… And the " Cosby suit".

    That is just the start of things too

  11. Given how rough WoW expansions tend to launch, it's kinda nice that some people are paying extra to get that rough start out of the way and give Blizz a chance to sort those day 1 problems ready for when I play πŸ™‚

  12. I simply cant go back to WoW or EQ or or or at this point. In PENANCE I have totaly reworked many things in what progression means. Raids are also so very snoring…. once again a total rework on raids. We are not just going back to the roots of MMO we are brings things like the Dungeon master across the gap. Such a exciting thing to forge a new direction and maintain the 80/20 of greatness. Pity we cant seem to get together.

  13. Rs3 would gain a true player base again if they removed P2W transactions

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