New Bodycam Horror Game Has You Running From a Giant Snake – Digested: Official Trailer

Check out the Digested trailer for the upcoming bodycam survival horror game that has you evading a massive snake that wants to eat you alive.

Developed by Karel, and published by DigiGhost Studios, Digested has a planned Steam release date of Q1 2024.

#Gaming #IGN #Digested


  1. Wanna know what's funny about this? The creator themselves didn't know of the… special attraction some people have towards this exact kind of scenario until the comments pointed it out when he dropped the trailer on twitter.

  2. I'll cackle with glee if this is a reinterpretation of the Devil and Eve's relationship in Eden (considering that you have a person traversing a somewhat known space looking for answers while a serpent seems to drive them in a particular direction). Indie devs like to go hard with their allegories in seemingly simple concepts.

  3. Is this an asymmetric game like dbd where one player is a snake and the others survive? or is it a single player game or a co-op game ?

  4. Also I’m glad this is going back to the era of horror where we just made X animal super large and dangerous, more of this please

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