Minecraft Fans Are Reacting to the First Trailer – And It’s Not Good

A beloved child’s video game being massacred by Hollywood is nothing new. Remember ugly Sonic? Still, this one seems extra personal.

#Minecraft #FilmNews #VideoGameMovie

Voiceover By: Tim Bensch

Official Looper Website

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  1. There is no defense for anyone part of producing this movie. The movie won't be better than the trailer. I hope it fails more than The Acolyte.

  2. The director puts all criticism to relief based on his work cause this direction can work when taken into a strange area than instead of a super serious marvel area and that’s the directors talent

  3. Tbh I don’t think the trailer looks that bad and Im a huge fan of the Minecraft game. I showed it to my friends as well who played Minecraft mind you and they said it looks dope too

  4. in The Movies Defense. Screaming '' i grew up cause of this game/got raised by it'' is cringe as hell

  5. I mean just the cast alone makes absolutely no sense. Jason looks so out of place/stupid lol

    To be fair though how do you make a good movie about a game like this

    oh wait I have the solution just don't make a movie about it…

  6. It’s a god damn kids game and a kids movie I don’t know why adults act like this is made for them like shut up already

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