Metaphor: ReFantazio — The King’s Trial | Xbox Series X|S, Windows PC

Let us speak of the old vulture’s last grasp for power… 🥀

The tournament for the throne is set, Metaphor: ReFantazio is coming October 11th, 2024!

Pre-order your physical copy NOW:

Digital products and pre-orders to be announced at a later time.

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  1. The atlus game that the battle is the most similar to is devil summoner raidou kuzunoha

  2. Not buying the game unless we are guaranteed that we won't get an "ultimate" finished version of the game, then release it full-price

  3. One look and I already want to know all about Heismay. Badass bat knight! 🥰😎

  4. So it's megaten with furries and non copyright demons that has a FF7R combat system?
    Look I'm all for atlus putting out more content, but I really hope this is better than SMT5. I know they have it in them

  5. Haven’t been this excited since The Witcher 3… Please don’t let me down 🙏 Getting it day one on ps5!

  6. I'm too old to play action game these days, too lazy for button mashing

  7. This trailer censors the blood of the protagonist and the body of the blonde girl from minute 2:20 to 2:25, if you want to see the uncensored version watch the trailer on the Japanese Atlus account. I just hope the game isn't censored in the west.

  8. Don’t buy this! They’ll have a complete and updated version in two years

  9. En mi opinion este state of play me asusta , me hizo ver o entender que playstation no tiene juegios buenos este an̈os , no se que le pasa a Sony no es la misma Sony de antes , me siento un poco triate por eso , si el an̈o que viene Sony no se pone las pilas me voy a pc y no toco una playstation jamas

  10. its been so long that i never hype about the upcoming game. This one really spark my interest again to play game.

  11. Two things I hope for, that the game has ultrawide support (it probably won't) and that it doesn't sniff its own farts as much as everything I've seen of it makes it look like it will.

  12. Please say there is some turn-based action in this? I can't do another Sengoku game

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