Jack Black Loses It After Minecraft Trailer Gets Slammed

Warner Bros.’ upcoming Minecraft movie is facing massive backlash, with fans outraged over bizarre character designs and the disconnect from the original game. Jack Black’s defensive response to criticism only fuels the controversy, as many believe the film is doomed to repeat the same mistakes other failed adaptations have made.

#minecraftmovie #jackblack #minecraft


  1. Well, what Jack Black said is totally accurate, the movie is obviously intentionally aimed at toddlers, and the only one throwing a tantrum are you (and all those easily influenced zombies).

  2. It is impossible for me to even register the movie as anything worth thinking or caring about, even negatively, I just wondered what Jack black said or did.
    (And btw. Minecraft is not even a game either, or merely a flat 0/10.)

  3. what ges me here is that people who were 15 when minecraft came out woul be 30 and the youngest players are like 5 years old at least so not pnly is the movie not appealing to the new generation of players who would be too young to remember the movie when it comes out but is actively discouraging new players from playing. the new generation already plays the game, and they played it enough to know the movie isnt anything more than a shameless cash grab. i wont put much against jack because he probably doesnt know much about the game and is only there for the money but i bet even he secretly thinks that the movie is better off animated and warner bros are just paying him to defend it

  4. Dedicating an entire movie to a video game but making it to capture young children’s attention instead of the older generation who has waited for this movie for years???? Stop pls

  5. Honestly i wouldn't want Jack black as the main character at all he just plays the same character in every move i don't want a fat bearded guy that wants to sing in every move to play Steve i don't know why Minecraft to be a weird musician at all i haven't been this disappointed in year's

  6. if jack black sings in the minecraft movie, he better sing "boom boom boom i cant stop singing this bloody tune tune tune"

  7. When will companies learn this is not 1960 lol you can’t just shit on the people who support you

  8. I think you're also forgetting about the Avatar The last Airbender the movie it was literally the worst movie

  9. I think Hollywood directors and producers are just trolling each other on who can make the worst movie of the year lol borderlands or minecraft take your pick

  10. I wanted the minecraft movie to be a mix of Cast Away, and Dr. Stone in animated form. As well as Steve being relatively built due to him being a survivor/builder.

  11. Idk why they thought a live action was a good idea. A 3d animated movie would do so much better justice to it.

  12. I'm tired because it's the middle of the night but I agree with everything you said here personally if they used the same design that they use for the sheep and the llama I think it'd be pretty funny but having an actual serious like remake of the game in the movie would be the coolest thing ever but what they have here is a dumpster fire

  13. "Steve" is out of place because he isn't visually consistent with the rest of the world. that he is live action makes no sense. the trailer is still ass but that one change would change it from offensive trash to barely tolerable trash. movie was doomed from the get go.

  14. I want to feel bad for the actors involved but they should know better.

    All these people are working on the dumbest projects because some big name is producing it. Bush did 9/11 and it's all been down hill since then.

  15. They should actually do this properly and listen to the community of Minecraft, because this is literally a BIG game, like literally one of the top games.

    This will be one of the movies that would go down to history if they listened to the community because people that plays this game like gamers and people that grew up with this game and kids are gonna watch this. (Probably yapping but I'm fr)

  16. I don't agree with the "grown men are target audience", because in the end I still agree it is a kids movie, but the reason why what jack black said was stupid is because just because a movie is "just for kids" doesn't mean it has to be ass, puss in boots the last wish is a kids movie but all age's love it

  17. Let's try to be patient with Mr black. He's taking his break up with Kyle very hard

  18. jack, it would honestly be fine if the humans were also animated in the claymation esthetic, it would probably lowkey get some praise for the unique art design also, maybe ACT a little bit more like steve and less like yourself? k thanks

  19. I originally got into minecraft because the animated stuff. It helps spark that sense of wonder and creativity that minecrafts good at.

    The live action has..none of that. Its not going to do anything for younger gen who also hates it. Its not minecraft it's just the minecraft story mode with people inserts, where the most creative thing I saw was "oopsie I make bucket wrong" moment. Its another soulless rehash way too focused on trying to be different. I wouldnt actually mind jack black as a steve voice but they dropped the ball so hard

  20. Bro this guy is literally just an actor. Why hate on him? He is playing his role and getting his money. If he says a bunch of shit online and wrecks his reputation, that is his business. He is not the movie. Maybe he played a role in the writing and shit but as much as i know, he's just an actor playing the role that he was assigned to play. Basically what some people are doing is blaming him because he is the easiest person to do that to.

  21. Im sorry but throwing a tantrum for something that we know little about is not "justified" just fking wait see no oen force anyone to pay or watch jeez. Also imagine if despite all the crap from the past decades and the "potential red flags" it was still a decent movie or heck even a good one would it be fair to shit on it without giving it a fking chance ? I fking hate humans.


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