inZOI – Exclusive Gameplay Trailer

Check out the latest gameplay trailer for inZOI, the hyper-realistic life sim that allows you to live the life you’ve always wanted. Wishlist it on Steam if you’re interested:


  1. Games like these improve my life. In many ways. From looks to how to approach it all. I’m thankful for games like these. Truman show 2.0

  2. So its basically The Sims if EA had spent the last decade actually improving the core game instead of making pseudo-sequels just to constantly resell the same DLC over and over again.

  3. People would rather grind out their dream life in a video game than grind in real life….

    Cant wait to play this.

  4. So instead of trying to get in shape in real life, get a family in real life, get reach in real life, pursue our goals in real life, we are all gonna just play a videogame to make someone else's dreams happen?

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