Indie Gaming This Week: 27 May – 02 June 2024

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Great week of new releases!

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00:00 ► #10 Selaco :
00:59 ► #9 Rack and Slay :
01:40 ► SPONSOR: Click Click Dig :
02:21 ► #8 Quest Master :
03:34 ► #7 Arcus Chroma: Classic…


  1. Seeing this game on place 1 makes me happy. it has been the best game I played for at least 12 years straight.

  2. if Sony cares that much about their Bloodborne trademark….why won't they produce a sequel or remake???

  3. Had my eye on Project Monolith for SO long, wild that it's finally getting a release!

  4. Rogue Prince of Persia is really good. It’s basically a great mash up of Dead Cells and Prince of Persia. Highly recommend. Also I know it’s just a demo. But Kill Knight demo releases Thursday. Looks amazing as well. Thanks for the videos!

  5. Another great week for indie games. Nine Sols and Astor (I had no idea about the name change) are on my top wishlisted games, really hope they do great on release.

  6. Looks like a great week for me! Definitely picking up Astor and Nine Sols!!! It's a great year to be an indie action platformer/Metroidvania fan! 🙃

  7. Soulbringer, I really enjoyed that game – so I will check out Wraithbinder.

  8. Soulbringer, I really enjoyed that game – so I will check out Wraithbinder.

  9. I'm not typically into that retro pixel art style but I played the SKALD demo and it really hooked me in. I've been eagerly waiting for it's release ever since. I can't want to try it out, especially after seeing some of the updates.

  10. I often come here looking for new games to play & this channel has yet to disappoint. The games that caught my eye this video.

    the rogue prince of Persia
    Tiny Terry's Turbo Trip
    Nine Sols
    Quest Master

    SoulMask (though this one will depend on the gameplay, characters & writing)

  11. Yep the Nr.1 here is the only game really especially on my list that I am allowed to buy not, other stuff just get's delayed again and again.

  12. 2:22 bro c'mon i hate modern day Ubisoft but Trials HD came out in 2009 , Little Big Planet came out in 2008 , you're 7 years late when you're talking about Super Mario Maker making player-crafted levels popular.
    Edit : i feel like such an old ahole pointing out these older games and im only 31, imagine 50 year old gamers hearing this stuff and being like, yeah we had that in 1988.

  13. I've been playing video games for 35 years.
    I'm a video game developer myself.
    I take pride in being very up-to-date with releases.

    And yet this channel keeps showing me super cool games I had never heard about.


  14. Quest Master – Zelda maker aka, is always an interesting idea for a game. Be interesting if it solves some of the problems mentioned.

    Skald: The Black Priory – has the retro look so looks like a fun blast from the past CRPG.

    Nine Sols – The best for last, this looks amazing 2d-souls-like game of the year candidate as you say. Any news on Lotus Leaf the other game that looks similar to this one also amazing?

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