1. For once this account made me feel good about my progress. Clicker Classic W

  2. on my f2p account i do have some sigils unlocked even though im not in w6 yet just cause my cauldrons can only hold 2 each

  3. I think less than 50% were 200+ for me at w6 opening. Pushing w a dk got it to 350ish while others did lab and void walker stuff.

  4. Make another Bingo Review Video πŸ˜…
    (I don't want someone to get banned from Itybittyarmy but the video is fun to watch πŸ˜‚)

  5. I did the exact same thing as this man. 1 character above 110. DK got me to Summoning. Now I go back and fix it all.

  6. the guide for money was so good, imo was defently woth the wait nice job (i am that guy that previosly said that i wish the guides producing was speed up, but now that i saw the quality i just wanna apllause for your editor)

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