1. Gut feeling this sounds more painful. But I also accidentally stapled a couple fingers together as a little kid (I was trying to unjam the piece of shit stapler my parents had lol) and honestly it didn’t hurt much going in or coming out.

  2. I stabbed myself in the hand last year while building a Halloween costume. Bleeding everywhere. Thought I'd need stitches. Doctors at the hospital literally just glued the wound shut with medical glue.

  3. …And is often less painful, my ass.
    Mfw they gave me (a child) office staples in an office stapler and sent me off

  4. Trust me it doesnt do that i had my staples removed lik 2 months ago and its Still not seeled shut

  5. For your information they numb that part of your arm so you cant feel it and because there's less stuff in the wound (thread from stritching) its more ensured nothing is left inside the wound AND it heals faster for quicker removal

  6. I once bumped my head on the edge of a cabinet above me, in the kitchen. Had to go to the ER due to me somehow hitting to hard to where i had a slifht gash of blood. They gave me 2 staples and a huge bill

  7. I mean it seems like it would hurt more, but would you have staples stabled in your skin, or a needle stabing you like 50 times? Personally for me, staples

  8. I literally had that when i got them on my head bro it was terrible, the doctor literally ripped them out of my skull

  9. Ive actually had these before. I had surgery on my Achelies tendant and he stapled the inscison closed. They dont hurt at all and are easy to get out. Itll sting a little bit when they remov em but it takes like a minute

  10. Staples are cool until u had to get them in ur head and they have to pull out hair to get the staple out

  11. no i actually got these staplers a fer years ago in my head, they don’t really hurt. and they just numb the area where they are stapling. and these are deff way less painful than stiches. so these are totally safe and they dont hurt as much, i kept them for 10 days

  12. I got staples in my leg when I broke my femur and ankle and they actually didn’t hurt more than a light tug when they were removed. The only bit that hurt was the inside of my ankle because it was still quite bruised when they were removed. I had never heard of them before that so it was actually really cool

  13. I've had both stitches and the staples and I can say they are much more forgiving when been removed I can also say it a good feeling when getting them removed

  14. Not that PLOP sound 😭😭😫😫😫😫😭😭😭😭😫😫

  15. I got 6 in my head didn’t feel it till it was time for them to come out 😒

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