Godot 4.3 is Here!

The Wait for Godot is over… Godot Engine 4.3 that is. In this video we go hands-on with some of the best new features of the 4.3 release such as the improved FBX importing, animation retargeting, the new Tilemap/TileLayer system and the updated Parallax layer setup. Then we go through the complete 4.3 release notes for this rather impressive engine update.


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  2. A little context on the Wayland X11 part. X11 is largely being depreciated for numerous reasons. Wayland will be the future and already the standard on SteamOS with SteamDeck and other distros as well. It's a good idea to make sure it's Wayland ready now to futureproof your game when X11 goes nonstandard finally.

  3. I didn't wanted to update soon but the Wayland implementation and the UFBX importer seal the deal

  4. I just spent 3 weeks making my own obfuscator, about halfway done, and now it seems there is no point. Happy and sad at the same time.

  5. Hey, Rider just came up with a new update which they say it has native support for gdscript and c#. Can you cover that and maybe explain how to do it? I downloaded rider but I don't now how to set it up for my project.

  6. Since 4.3 dropped I'm not using an game engine made by a big ass company who suffering from greed

  7. "FBX is such a key interchange format" … yes. Unfortunately. As fas as I am concerned it can finally die in a fire. Or alternatively – Autodesk make the entire thing FOSS. But they don't. So it will remain a weird half-open inbetween thing that GPL licensed software can't use but only recreate more or less.

  8. Usability on Wayland has significantly improved for me. Excited for compositing as well.

  9. Great engine and update, but… Will I ever get a code editor in a separate window? Changing between code and scenes is a nightmare rn. That is, imo, the biggest problem in godot. Second problem is autocomplition not working for some cases, cause simply not implemented.

  10. "acyclic" is said like "a-cycle-ick"
    "acyclic" means a tree where child nodes cannot refer to anything higher up in the tree. that's the opposite of "cyclic"

  11. I think the return of single treaded web exports and the audio improvements are the biggest deal for me and for everyone making web games for game jams.

  12. Hm, does this game dev software happen to have a quick texture mixer? I mean with blending modes, filters, colorization or glow effects etc., like you can do in Filmora 13?

  13. Ok good, I will still wait a few months for bugfixes to happen before switching over.

  14. My internet history literally has:
    Yesterday – Wednesday, August 14, 2024

    10:46 PM godot 4.3 release date – Google Search

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