Games Workshop leaks its own models? New 40K KT Trailer Reaction & Breakdown!

We have a brand new KT Animation trailer, here is my full reaction and breakdown, also we discuss the big leaks that Games Workshop may have posted by mistake!

00:00 Intro
00:52 Reaction
08:03 Leaks

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  1. Quick question!!! I can’t find a clear answer but are Primaris marines and First Borns all that different now?

    Other than extra gene seeds are the Primaris still taller, faster, etc? Or is it mostly a smaller upgrade?

    I saw some discourse that was talking about “recent retcons” to just how much better Primaris were and figured the most studied person would know best!

    Thanks in advance for the chapter master or anyone else who wants to help 🙂

  2. elysian drop troops have finally lost what made them cool and unique. Probably dead forever now.

  3. The Kriegsman vs ork kommandos trailer was better I think but this one was awesome in its own right. Love my space marines but Tempestus scions are so cool and we need much more lore and stories covering them

  4. We not going to talk about the MASSIVE FUCK OFF orbital defense cannons! ( i mean… i assume there orbital defense )

  5. The Vespid have neutron blasters, which use crystals from their home world that iirc are powered by the sonic frequencies given off by how their wings buzz. What is new is that it appears they can now take a rail rifle and what looks like a man-portable version of the Airbursting Fragmentation Launcher from the Tau Commander Battlesuit

  6. I love it and I hope it’s not a big rule change. Does😢seem to be a true new edition than the Emperor.

  7. The guns in the opening shot plus the smoke when it fires is soo cool. They’re trying to take the guns out, seems they should have carried the sevitor down.

  8. Gw used to be cool now its just lazy With the sculpts. Before we use to get our monies worth. Now gw straight up robbing those that dont know better

  9. When the spider turret starts blasting and taking them out. It was like Loki in Thor “ yeah how does that feel”

  10. Y'all know what would've made a good kill team? Freaking warp freaking spiders. At this point I am wandering if they are aiming for them to reach their 30s before refreshing them…

  11. Last i checked, tau rail rifles are s10. Give them to vespids, theres potential for hijinks.

  12. Good trailer no doubt. Defs not as good as the Kreig v Orks. The comparison problem is.. Kreig v Orks had a great back and forth with every model taking the spotlight for a moment, getting killed by an opposing character and passing the baton to the next model in a way. This one gives the Scions some good spotlight, but seemingly treat the Vespids like generic units with no individual character. Like they're no different to the generic squad that was first released however many years ago
    All that being said, I'm still excited to see how the model sculpts turn out upon reveal

  13. I still feel it would have been more epic if they were Elysian troopers… (I never been a fan of the scions and always have preferred kasrkin over them)

    Either way though, it was short and sweet! I feel it needed that big ending like the krieg one got.

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