1. I don't go looking for reviews often since for the most part I can tell if I'll like a game or not. The issue is with some games that I'm on the fence about where I will do some digging and reading some reviews on Metacritic to see what the players of those games thought about it, if more end up being positive then I'm sure I'll like it enough to at least beat the game once, otherwise, I tend to steer clear of those games.

  2. I think a lot of modern reviewers are limited by their understanding of the gaming industry. Many of them are directly sponsored by the publisher themselves for a “review” which is just advertising to a large audience already interested in video games. I’d say a lot of it has to do with the state of modern gaming and how it’s been industrialized to make a profit.

    Once games return to being a passion project that is good enough to monetize, instead of a monetization scheme hidden behind a game, reviews will probably start going back to being honest and in depth. Great discussion topic, and fire beard

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