FURIOSA : A MAD MAX SAGA | Sneak Peek “Chapters” Trailer

A chronicle fueled by vengeance. See where it all started, experience FURIOSA : A MAD MAX SAGA only in theaters Memorial Day weekend, May 24. Get tickets now. #FURIOSA #MADMAXFURIOSA


  1. It’s the only movie i watched out of all the franchise, it’s a very good movie. I love it! It’s just disappointing that the so-called-movie-critics-that-says-they-are-not-a-movie-critic ruined it. It really depends on every person’s perception. If you don’t like it, it’s ok. But don’t convince people that this and every movie you don’t like are horrible. Tsk.

  2. A non stop thrill from the beginning till the end of the movie for almost two and half hours. Personally i enjoyed this movie.

  3. To be honest i love how Miller choose to be focused on a Mad Max universe itself rather than keep focusing and talkin about only Max. I do like this Mad Max franchise movies to be like a Fallout games when the world, faction, and characters behind it moving and living as the story interrupt. Imagine in the future you can watch this Mad Max movies decided to cross over with Water World. It would be the most badass post apocalyptic vehicle movies.

  4. another womanist saga.
    strong and independent man hating womanist versus evil Chad
    I am sure it will be a huge flop like they all are😂

  5. I don't get why the movie is not making that much money, it's one of the best movies I've seen in many many years. Absuloutely amazing

  6. I'm confused, was this movie made entirely or mostly with AI, or did they just overdue a whole lot of low-budget CGI editing over most of the film? I mean she doesn't look human, but she doesn't really look like a furry either, I think this movie was supposed to be about a furry but they forgot to CGI in any actual fur…

  7. Glad I didn't watch this before watching the movie. It's almost all of the movie. But still watching it in a theatre would have been an awesome experience

  8. Pleased to see this re-cycled garbage has flopped big time. Maybe come up with some actual new movie ideas…..just a thought.

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