1. Ground rb = US suffer or kys to get out Germany = enjoy yourself until you get to tier 5 russia = F U N anything else = kys

  2. I’m so fucking addicted to war thunder. I had a game where I went back to br 1.3 Germany and I played a flak panzer 1 with ap shells. Got 14 kills before dying. My best game ever. Funny thing is, right after that game I was awful. The snail gave me my monthly reason to keep playing, before further punishing me.

  3. War Thunder got disliked bombed by the beloved community because of balancing issues and ingame economy.

    The devs then quickly gave an update that added anime body pillows and everyone forgets what happened

  4. I love the Warthunder devs! They tweeted, "Please stop leaking classified documents! No, this is not reverse psychology!"

  5. After 900hours I got permabanned from the chat without any warnings. I dont even know what I did. Probably had something to do with miggers😅

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