1. Funny thing is governments can request google to disable leaving reviews on google, Hillsboro Oregon police department is a decent example

  2. If there’s a bed and breakfast that was in Ukraine and it’s operating now, it’s because it’s now in Russia.

  3. If AI works as well for promoting your business as it did for the photos of the crowd at Kamala’s campaign rally, it could ruin you.

  4. If AI works as well for promoting your business as it did for the photos of the crowd at Kamala’s campaign rally, it could ruin you.

  5. Buying fake views and Likes was the launching event that drove a certain financial influencer into the limelight. The more he purchased, the more attention and organic likes, views, and comments he gained. He had no real substance, but social media made him look as though he did. Shame to see so many taken in by this guy, even after it was revealed how he started.

  6. well Steve I have no idea how they're gonna enforce this or hold people accountable when they're in Pakistan or India the year they tried to solve the Robo call problem they were 30 billion Robo calls in the United States alone I haven't heard of anyone going to jail other than a couple of the mass violators in the United States. when they pass these kind of final laws it's almost frustrating that I feel like I'm being patronized or getting propaganda that says my government doing their job because I understand the fallacy of what they're saying still getting Robo calls


  8. Air BNB should require PROOF of both good and bad reviews. And landlord reviews should be put under far greater scrutiny.

  9. Well, it just got WORSE by getting the 'feds' involved. SMH. When do we finally understand that asking the Govt. to fix certain behaviors that come natural to human beings is a recipe for Tyranny?

  10. Caveat emptor, let the buyer beware. We've given the government bureaucracy far too much power already. If I wanted to live in a police state I'd move to China, or Iran.

  11. It's a good 1st step to solving a complex problem. Gotta start somewhere. Dependent on whoever gets elected in Nov will determine if it gets to go anywhere.

  12. I had someone write a favorable review on me on Google + (I'm a guitar repairman/builder: I looked through my client list and that person didn't exist, nor did anything he said line up with how I do business. I asked Google to remove it and they didn't! It took me 3 separate tries… Of course when they didn't remove it, I answered with: "I did not ask strangers to shill for me! You are lying! Don't leave fake reviews!" It brought me a few new customers!

  13. But if someone leaves a legitimately good or bad review, competitors could falsely report good reviews as “fake” to try to get them removed. And as for bad reviews, crooked businesses could remove them by declaring them “fake”. Totally unconstitutional.

  14. They should have a law where Amazon can't censor books that are not in line with the ruling party – but they are – in cleverly disguised ways. Oh, wait, there is a constitutional law protecting free speech.

  15. A private right to sue would have would accomplish more (but still wouldn't fully solve the problem)

  16. Why should you pay for fake reviews? Only teason is for a startup or because it is not so good product.
    You don't need them when your product (your pod cast) supports itself

  17. So what happened to chevron deference? With the new ruling how can they do this? Don't Congress have to pass this?

  18. More unenforced/unenforceable rules. It is a problem. Widespread commercial fraud.

  19. how would one even prove a review is real or fake? If I want to leave a review of a movie I have to keep the ticket stub forever just to prove I saw the move if anyone at some point says my review is fake? Is that ticked stub even my stub and not someone else?

  20. In light of Chevron deference being overturned, what exactly is the rule making ability of a federal agency like the FTC?

  21. I want this to work. But it won't.

    1: FTC hasn't been given this authority by Congress. Now that Chevron is gone, this doesn't stand a chance.

    2: This is likely a violation of the 1st Amendment.

  22. Has the FTC also cracked down on corporations that create “consumer product testing” that gives glowing reviews of their product(s) without revealing the testing is funded by them and is not blind?
    I remember “4 out of 5 dentists surveyed said they prefer [blank]” or something like that. It was deceptive at best. I feel like it should have said, “4 out of 5 dentists we sent on cruise vacations agreed to recommend our product exclusively.”

  23. Regarding reviews, I basically only read a bunch of the negative reviews, my rule of thumb is simply, do these negative reviews impact my use case? if no consider buying still, if yes reconsider buying.

  24. we don't need rules against fake reviews as much as we need rules against fake political representatives

  25. When you called that book "fabulous," you need to reveal if you have a material connection to the author.

  26. Your story reminded me of my wife's parents who got retired from the oldest book printing company in Michigan a few years ago because the Chinese Ships installed full scale printing presses on Cargo Ships and print on demand in open waters and sell you a glued together pile of junk according to them real spin and book binding is gone for good. An when you read a book that snaps shut so quickly you never find the page now you know why. Sidenote my wife and I would stay up reading Harry Potter Books months before they got released it was such an old small book making company that nobody there ever once let any title get leaked as they took tremendous pride in the final masterfully binded books made by them as works of art to be very proud of having a hand in making them. Now they get leaked as soon as you shoot an email to a random cargo ship paid only to produce the lowest possible quality slap and glue job you have ever seen 🚢.

  27. Imagine if we had a system to legislate, to write laws and have them approved or vetoed, instead of some government lackey bureaucrat writing a rule.
    What would something like that be called? 🤔
    We'd need something catchy, something people could remember, we could call it Congress. That doesn't seem to be used for anything.
    Defund the alphabet agencies. 🇺🇸

  28. What ever happened to the integrity of "Truth in Advertising" laws?" Steve, you ever see the movie Used Cars? would love you to do a reaction video on that one lol.

  29. Until the companies like Amazon, Instagram, etc. feel significant financial pain they will happily let this kind of activity continue with the occasional small cleanup to keep up appearances.

  30. I’m sorry, Steve, but I think you missed the mark on the Airbnb review process. Airbnb for as long as I’ve used it does not allow you to see the other person’s review until after you’ve written yours.

  31. 🇺🇸🛩️🦅👁️We the PEOPLE will FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT for our FREEDOM 🇺🇸🛩️🦅👁️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🛩️🦅👁️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  32. They need to add a rule that prohibits the purchase of the REMOVAL of negative reviews.

  33. They should ban that amazon allows sellers to completely edit a product page to show different products all of a sudden. They just like to transfer all the positive reviews over from a completely different product. (Lewis Rossman made a video about that.) That’s at least something that could be done …

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