EVERY Upcoming Racing Games 2024 and Beyond [PS5, PC, XBOX, SWITCH]

WE GOT MORE GAMES COMING: are all the racing games that are coming out in 2024 or later. From Indie gems to the most anticipated titles, we have got them all.

Maybe a sub Pweez? πŸ˜€


0:00 – Upcoming Racing Games
0:10 – 1
0:50 – 2
2:00 – 3
2:21 – 4
2:51 – 5
3:23 – 6
4:01 – 7
4:31 – 8
5:03 – 9
5:43 – 10
6:11 – 11
6:40 – 12
7:20 – 13
7:51 – 14
8:21 – 15
9:00 – 16
11:11 – MUST WATCH!


Upcoming racing games, Racing games PS5, best pc games, best xbox games, best single player games, best multiplayer games, need for speed 2024, best single player games ps5, best coop games 2024, best ps5 games 2024, best ps5 games so far, best ps5 games of 2024,…


  1. How can the next Forza Horizon and Need for Speed by eagerly anticipated when the last games have been so underwhelming? I don't think anyone has faith in either of those. The only way they could spark some interest is if they'd radically change something.

  2. Volt is getting a remake? Holy hell that was like my fav ps1 arcade race game it was so fun.

  3. Do you know of any open world racing games with realistic damage that doesn't feel like bumper cars, terrain deformation and tons of visual customization and upgrades? Seriously, I really want to know. ExoCross desperately needs weapons and power ups.

  4. I paid 1000 dollars for a pc laptop on black Friday end I love it all next generation games works is the beast..

  5. after playing solar crown and seeing all footage – this game is going to launch terribly, it is NOT a TDU game.
    its just a generic half-baked racing game. and full of game breaking bugs too.
    the fact that absolutely NOTHING about it feels like a true TDU game is what's going to make many people not buy it – most of the hype around it was that it was supposed to be a revival of the TDU games we all loved, but i know many people (including myself) have mostly negative thoughts about solar crown after all of the betas and playtests.

    it seems ever since the mostly failed open beta KT has completely ignored all feedback and decided to push ahead and release the game in the broken messy state that it was, and also decided to promote and market overpriced multiple pre-ordering editions of the game – again, instead of actually fixing this mess of a game and listening to feedback from players…

    so far almost every person i asked which participated in the playtests and betas is not planning on buying this game including myself.
    we all feel it is going to flop really bad at launch.
    heck, even its graphics are absolutely horrible (yeah i know graphics are not everything), during the night the game looks just about decent, but during the day it just looks horrible and gives me vibes of NFS Pro-Street (in terms of graphics).
    also, car handling was just horrible in this game and especially at rain you basically have almost no control over your car's slide.

    as a TDU game this game isn't even close to representing the true TDU experiece – okay sure you can "dress up" your avatar, but the whole car buying experience is crap and instead of having more realistic dealerships (you know, where a Ferrari Dealership would only sell FERRARIS for example) but instead they opted for the most idiotic car dealerships ever – you have "Exotic" dealerships which can sell any random car from a Ferrari to an Ariel Atom (or whatever the fuck that dune buggy looking thing was in the beta).
    you have dealerships that would sell a cheap mustang alongside a 1.3 million credits koenigsegg
    this is the most non-immersive experience i've seen in a TDU clone attempt.
    you no longer have a used car dealership (it would make sense if you're mixing multiple car brands and models in the same dealership).
    there is no police in the streets so you can drive however you'd like with no consequences (sure, police chases in TDU and TDU2 were kinda bad but it was part of the experience lol)
    and you don't have the option to buy property in this game, instead you are forced to live on the most unrealistic spire lookin hotel i've ever seen, heck that ugly building does not even fit the setting of the game – Hong Kong.

    speaking of Hong Kong, the way KT "replicated" hong kong in this game is abysmal, Hong Kong Island is known for its very narrow and crowded streets, however in this game all of the roads and streets are as wide as american highways, car traffic in this game is next to none – the issues with this game just continue on and on and on…

    and i didn't even mention the racing experience in this game yet – which of course as you would imagine is just bad lol

    this game in general feels more like a half-cooked need for speed clone rather than a true TDU successor.
    they had around 6 years to make this game the ultimate TDU experience and they fucked up really well.

  6. Forza 6 meh you have played one you have played them all, they are kind of boring now.

  7. I paid $500 for next-gen. Console an extra $79 for a controller another $30 for a charger $86 for the internet connection $9 to have a PlayStation network account you know what I want for my money some freaking games that are actually next-gen. And not these piece of crap cartoon anime games we are getting hosed in the next-gen. Game era

  8. Not a single one of this games picks up the essence of DriveClub, which picked up the passion of driving in every aspect

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